"I don't even know you!"

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"Hey guys! Another update! Enjoy!!!"

|||||||||||I don't even know you||||||||||

Ally's Pov

"Dad, do I really have to go!" I asked crying into his shoulder as we hug

"Sweetie, the world can be a dangerous place but it can also be delightful... Please just go, promise me you'll stay safe. I know your scared but you are going to be safe... And promise me to always look on the bright side of things while your down there, you are usually always so happy and joyful... Please don't loose that."

"I won't dad, and I love you" I said letting go

"Love you too, now go into the jet " my dad said while waving as I walk away to board

"Hi, I'm officer Luke and this is my wife Julia, welcome aboard... With us you are completely safe, we will be flying you and Austin to your new location" officer Luke said professionally

"Hi I'm Ally, Ally Dawson" I greeted while wiping tears from my eyes

"If you wouldn't mind, could you sit in that chair" Julia said pointing

"Sure" I said shyly placing my luggage in the compartment before sitting down on the leather chair inside the small army jet.

"Um your sitting in my seat" a tall blonde said walking from the back of the plain... Must be a military officer or something, oops! How embarrassing

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know!" I said guilty

"It's fine, you can stay there... I didn't like the window seat anyway" he replied

"Thanks" I said quietly looking down

"Well I'm Austin, Austin Moon" he said

"I'm Ally Dawson" I replied

"So why are you here?" He asked turning to face me

"My dad is one of the most wanted spies apparently and there have been many threats and attempts to kill my family after he helped resolved an issue so the government wants me in hiding until they fix everything and until those groups are no longer after us" I said trying to fight back the tears because it's embarrassing to cry in front of boys, especially cute ones.... Ones that I don't even know.

"Oh I'm sorry, but it's ok, they are after my family to... Except they want to kill and rob us for our wealth... See my mom and dad own a very successful mattress store... 'Moons Mattress Kingdom'" he replied doing some weird hand motion

"Oh wow... I'm sorry too then" I relied while thinking... How can one be wealthy from a mattress store?

"It's ok, your situation is worse than mine" he replied before leaning back and taking a nap in which I did the same

---- 4 hours later-----

"Hey Ally, we're here" Austin said while lightly shaking me

"Ok" I said opening my eyes and standing up... Then slightly blushing because he saw me sleeping and I usually don't talk or converse with guys

Then I grabbed my suitcase, duffle bag, and purse and headed out...

"Whoa where are we?" Austin asked

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