Movies and Moments

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////Movies and moments////

Austin's Pov

"That's five dollars" the cashier said as I pulled up to the drive in movie place

"Here you go" I said handing her a twenty dollar bill.

"Awe, is this your first date? I haven't seen y'all around here before. You two have fun!" The cashier replied as she handed me back my change

"Nah, we are just friends" I replied, then drove away.

"Ugh, That's like the fourth person today that thought we were a couple!" Ally said rolling her eyes

"It's really weird" I shrugged as I searched for a spot

"Yea, like we don't even look like a couple"

"I guess a guy and a girl can't just be friends" I joked

"Reminds me of that TV show Zoey 101. Everyone always thought Zoey and Chase were together even though they weren't"

"But eventually they did end up together" I added

"That's only because it was a TV show for kids and teenagers. All tv shows like that have happy endings"

"In some of them the "ideal couple" breaks up or moves away. It's not always happy" I fought

"It usually is. Everything on tv is always fake and over exaggerated Austin"


"Oh come on, the guy always gets the girl, or like during school dances the awkward nerd girl transforms into a beauty queen while having a grand entrance down a fancy stair case in a Cinderella dress, getting everyone's attention, but in real life that kind of stuff doesn't exist"

"I think it could happen"

"So you believe tv shows that have a nerd falling for the school jock and eventually ending up with him could happen?"

"Yea, why wouldn't it Ally?" I questioned

"Because life doesn't work like that. Like when we return to school you do understand we won't speak to each other again. It would just ruin your image, and I know you wouldn't want that" Ally said in a serious tone

"Why would being your friend ruin my image?"

"Because your the schools cool popular guy, and cool guys don't hang out with me unless they want something, like for me to do their homework or to string me along and then prank and embarrass me, it's the way the game is played" she shrugged

"What game?"

"The game of life. The people that are high on the pedestal move the pawns or pieces, in order to do what they can to win"

"What do you get when you win?" I asked confused

"Money, fame, credit, anything like that. But I'm a pawn. At least for the rest of high school I'll be the one being dragged around, while people like you are the true players and string the pawns around to win"

"Are you saying I'm a player? Cause I don't cheat"

"No" Ally chuckled shaking her head "I'm saying your playing the game. And if you think your not, then your wrong. You might not be playing like the rest of them but your still an intricate part to their schemes"

"Your confusing me" I replied honestly

"Its ok. We will be home soon and you'll never have to see or talk to me again"

"What are you talking about?"

"The game. You don't think your playing it but you are and I don't want to ruin your reputation"

HideAway (an Auslly fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora