I Love Him, but I Think I Love You Too

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Summary: Louis loves Boris, his pet hegdehog. However, he did stumble across someone who possibly could steal his heart just as hard as Boris did years ago.

[Author Note: I suck at introductions. Sowwy. Enjoy]

~Liam_Payne_Crave xx


"Oh, come on, Boris," Louis playfully scolded the small ball of prickles on his desk. "I let you out of your cage so you could catch some exercise, not so you can curl in a damn ball," Louis added, taking his pointer finger and gently rubbing the pad of it on Boris's furry belly. The hedgehog squirmed under Louis' touch and made a little noise. He loves it when Louis rubbed his belly; it calmed him.

Louis sighed and carefully picked Boris up in his hands, making sure not hold him too tight. He's had Boris for a little over a year and a half. His mates bought him for Louis' 20th birthday, and ever since then, Louis had been in love with his pet. He's always found hedgehogs so cute and cool at the same time, so he was very pleased with his gift. The downside of having Boris was that dating for Louis was hard. Most of the guys he dated or introduced to Boris ended things because either they hated hedgehogs or they thought Louis was weird for owning one. Louis never cared, though. Boris was his baby and hopefully the next guy he meets will respect that.

"Now Boris...did we or did we not discuss about getting you to ride the skateboard I bought you so you can be as skilled as I?" Louis asked Boris, looking into his brown little eyes while the pet looked at him back. "I think we have," Louis continued.

Boris continued to stare up at Louis, his little black nose twitching every so often and his little paws coming up to rub at his face.

A fond smile crawled on Louis' face. He could never pretend to scold at the little animal. He was so cute. "Aw, I love you buddy," Louis cooed as he leaned close to Boris, receiving at small lick on his button nose from said animal. A lot of people were surprised when they found out that Louis owned a hedgehog, let alone coo at it and act so...affectionate towards it. Since Louis seems to be your everyday punk (what with his tattoos, piercings, and skateboarding), being all 'lovey dovey' wasn't what people expected. But Louis is an absolute doll, and if hedgehogs could talk, Boris would love to agree.

"Well, since you obviously want to be a lazy bump on a log, I'll slip you back into your cage. I have to pick up a few groceries and some food for you, love," Louis spoke, as if Boris was understanding everything he was speaking, and walked over to Boris's cage. After slipping him in, Louis turned away from the cage to get his jacket and his shoes. "Be good, B! No wild parties with girls or lads!" Louis called out to Boris as he exited his bedroom.


Louis stopped the movements of his skateboard when he was in front of the pet shop. Louis does not own a car. Besides the fact that his flat is close by all of the shops, he prefers to ride his skateboard. He entered the store and headed straight towards the section where he gets Boris's food. Boris eats leaves and little things like that but Louis also likes to get him the hedgehog food that is recommended as well.

Louis grabbed the small bag of food and made his way to the cashier, who was no where in sight. Louis looked around the store as he tapped his fingernails against the cold little counter. There wasn't anyone else in the store but him, so why would the cashier be occupied? A loud bump from under the counter, however, answered his silent question.

"Shit," sweared the person under the counter.

"Oi! Are you alright mate? Are you goin' to die?" Louis teased as he leaned over the counter a bit, in attempt to possibly see the clumsy cashier.

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