Chapter 5

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Brook's POV

I go up to Andres, look at him, give him a big hug and give him a quick peck on the cheek. When I realize what I did I let go, look down and blush. He looks shocked. "Sorry I-I don't..." before I can finish my sentence, he puts his finger on my lips. "Its okay Beth. I don't mind it." I guess to prove his point, he gives me hug and a kiss...but not any normal old kiss this was my...very first kiss... At first I was shocked but to my own surprise I kissed back. I know you might be thinking "Your very first kiss?!?!" Well, yeah I mean I'm only thirteen... When we pull apart I don't even look at him I just look down and blush. To try to make things better I say," Wow umm thanks I guess...lets just head back, before they worry even more." "Okay..." he says scratching the back of his neck. When we get back they noticed my face of how red and puffy it was. So Andres tells them the story and everyone seems to buy it thankfully. So after waiting what felt like forever but was really only 10-15 minutes we finally started boarding our plane. When we were finally sitting in our seats, turns out that our families sat right next to each other. To make it even better we could trade the seats since it was our seats. Sarcasm by the way. This is the order they chose we sat in: in the front my mom, twins mom, and their sister next were my dad, my sister and brother. So finally us in the back was me next to the window, Andres in the middle and finally Adrian in the last seat. Oh, by the way its three people per rows of seats, honestly I don't know how to explain hopefully you will understand me. Great I think, this 2 and a half hours in this plane are going to be great. Note the sarcasm. Once all the safety procedures/rules or also known as the boring things were said we started finally leaving. I was gonna try my best to not make it awkward, but knowing myself I will most likely. Once my favorite part of leaving is done witch is when you: take off because I like how you feel something in your stomach. Any who like I was saying once my favorite part was done, I decided to read some books on Watt Pad, because it's life. So, the book I first started to read was about Ana and Mia my well known buds in my head, so I was reading my story and I felt someone staring at me when I look up, I see Andres and he's been reading... Great. So instead I just listen to music. I start to get sleepy and cold, so I look up to Andres and I'm already probably blushing like crazy. So, I ask him, "Andres I'm really sleepy and cold I was wondering if I can umm...lay my head on ur lap so I-i can sleep just for a while please?" "S-sure I don't see why not I mean after all you went through tonight...but when do you want me to wake you up?" "You can wake me up in half an hour but are you sure I can lay my head on your lap or would you like/let me cuddle with you ?" "Both are fine with me, but if you want ill hug/cuddle with you..." "Yeah, that would be great I'm cold so its fine..." "Okay, night Brookie Bear..." After that i feel him kiss my head and with that I fall asleep into deep dreamless sleep.

Andres's POV

She is so adorable when she is sleeping. 💓So I decide to take her a picture since no one will look because my brother is also asleep. I think she's so beautiful and it hurts me knowing something is wrong with her. But she doesn't want to tell me anything, I wont bother her anymore with it because I don't want to pressure her, I don't want to feel uncomfortable around me. Especially since from when I saw her reading about ED, but I will try best to help her. I know that she secretly likes my friend Justin so knowing that, I don't want her to go to him instead of me. I still cant believe we kissed earlier, her soft cherry flavored lips, best part of it she was my first kiss. I'm pretty sure she's had more kisses since she is so beautiful. *half an hour later* *says it like sponge bob* Finally, I get to wake her up and see her beautiful hazel, blue/green eyes. Yeah her eyes change color so, yeah. Any who I start shaking her lightly saying her name.

Brook's POV

 I start to feel someone saying my name and shaking me. I open my eyes to see that its Andres, I guess half an hour already passed by. I thank him for waking me up and I give him a small hug. I turn on a light and start writing/drawing on a notebook I brought with me. A hour and a half pass by and a lady walks by with a cart and asks us if we would like something to drink and also give us a bag of peanuts. I grab a sprite, Andres gets a coke and Adrian who just wakes up gets a orange juice. I leave my cup of sprite in the holder, the peanuts next to it and go back to my note book. Since, I don't him to be thinking anything I grab the peanuts and eat 3 of them and drink some of my sprite. I put everything away, so I can eat my peanuts and sprite, thankfully there wasn't so many in the bag. After a while, the lady comes again and asks if we want more I just get this time orange juice and a bag of peanuts. After a while I finish those and I felt full probably because of the liquids. So I wouldn't be thinking about it I started to read an actual book because, if I tried reading on watt pad he would see. After a while they finally said to put everything and get ready to land. I started to put everything away when Andres asks me if he can give me a hug. I gladly said yes, when we pulled apart he gave me a kiss on my cheek and I started blushing. After that I finished putting things away and buckled my seatbelt. once we landed we went through all that boring stuff they do. Once, we finally reach outside I my good byes to my friends, and leave but not before hugging Andres. Once we pull apart I see this very cute/handsome guy staring at me kinda sad/mad he starts walking up to me then he...


Hai guys here is another chapter! My late Christmas present to you guys is a rrreeeaaallly long nice chapter. So who do you guys think that guy was? And why was he staring at her? Any who its late ima go to sleep see ya guys! Oh and don't forget I'm always here for anyone that needs me. Also before i leave if you guys see mistakes tell me because I'm too lazy and sleepy to do that now. Okay for real now see ya! Oh, and by the way in the next chapters you will be seeing a lot of Spanish, since we finally arrived at Mexico. Don't worry though I will try my best in explaining/translating what they say for those of you who don't really understand Spanish.

~N.R :):

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