Chapter 6

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Brook's POV

 Once, Andres left, that cute guy started walking towards me. He said, "Brooklyn eres tu? Cuanto has crecido que bonita estas." ( Brooklyn is that really you? How much have you grown, your so beautiful.) I say, " Gracias, no quiero ser mala pero, te conosco? " ( Thanks, I don't want to be mean but, do I know you? ) He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by my dad. My dad says, " Brian, eres tu? Has crecido mucho. Ultima vez, que te mire era cuando estabas un nino chiquito y Brooklyn una bebe."( Brian is that really you? You have grown soo much. Last time I saw you, you were a little kid and Brooklyn was a baby.) Oh, so that's his name, Brian, well its a really nice name for such a cute guy. But I still don't know how does he know me or if he's even related to me...  Is today read Brooklyn's mind or what?! Why? Well, because apparently, my dad read my mind, he said, " Brook, this is your uncle. Brian. He's my brother, he is only 15 years old so, I'm sure you guys will get along." "Yeah, dad I'm sure well get along he seems cool."  Yeah, we will be great friends but, that's it witch sucks because he is so cute. But I shouldn't be thinking about anything because he wont see me in that way. After all, he is just my uncle and I'm just his niece. Either way he wouldn't do anything with me if I wasn't his niece because, I mean look at me I'm soo ugly and fat...or at least that's what Ana and Mia tell me... Any who it doesn't matter I shouldn't be thinking about that because, either way I would only will be able to see him on summer... "Brian, no vino nuestro padre contigo oh alguien mas?" said my dad. (Brian, did our dad or someone else come with you?) "Si, mi papa." (Yeah, my dad.) When we were on our way back to the car, I decided to find out more about my handsome uncle. Oh, by the way did I mention that Brian knew how to speak English, no? Oh well he does its not the best but, hey he knows. "Hey Brook so how are you? Any lucky boys yet?" Damn he beat me to it, oh well. "Fine, and no none how about you, any lucky girls?" I sent him a wink after I said that. When I said I wasn't taken, he smiled like if he had just won the lottery, but he changed it quickly to a normal one. I simply ignored it and waited for a response. "Huh? How come your so beautiful Brook, and no, no lucky girls yet I'm hoping for one that I just met but first I want to get to know her better before anything happens." When he said that, it for some reason hurt me. I knew I probably frowning so I just smiled and answered him. "Thanks, but no I'm not beautiful and ooo who might this lucky girl be? Can I meet her? or do I know her wait I barely even know around here..." He laughs, a very sexy laugh may I add.  "You are very beautiful, and from what I hear when your dad brags to us about you, you are very smart too so I don't know why if your so smart you cant realize how beautiful, and yes you can, I am sure you already know her anyway." I confused when he said that. I was so lost in my thoughts that I tripped over something. I was waiting for me to feel the cold hard floor but instead I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist. When I look up, to see whos arms were they and I see they belong to...


~Hey guys, what do you guys think? I know I'm sorry its short but at least I updated. Okay, so whos arms you think they belong to? Andres. Adrian. Brian. Random guy. Who? Oh well you will find out next chapter. So like I always say if you guys ever need me just send me a message or something I'm always her for you guys. You are not alone in this. Okay see ya!


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