Chapter 7

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Brook's POV

When I look up to see the owner of the pair of arms that had caught me. Brian, of course it would of been him who caught me. Wait, he is carrying me, he must be strong for him to carry me but he is gonna get hurt I should get out of his arms. So as soon as I thought that I jumped out of his arms. He looked at me confused and said, "What's wrong? You okay? " "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." "You must be really strong to be able to carry me..." I muttered under my breath the second part. But of course I guess not low enough or he just has really good hearing, because he said, "What?! No, your so light anyone can carry you." "Ha! Good one Brian. You don't need to lie to me about my weight, I have heard the truth many times so I'm sorry to break it to you but you lie wont work on me..." He just looked at me weird but I decided to just ignore it. To try not to make things more awkward I just decided to change the subject and ask him about school. Yeah I know school but hey i didn't have anything else. Anyway when I asked him he just laughed and said ,"Really Brooke school, let me ask you instead. Hmmm...are you sure there isn't any special guys in your life?.." I could of sworn he was blushing and I could feel myself start heating up. Then I thought actually there is so why not tell him. After I told him he wouldn't stop bugging me the whole way back to his house until I asked the same. Hmmm weird I thought oh well I just ignored it and watched the sunset which was beautiful by the way. (Sunset above in the picture thingy)

~~~~ Skips until gets to house ~~~~
We got to the house and  we started choosing rooms but me being a turtle didn't get a spot so guess who I had to share a room with...

Sorry for the short chapter:/    I'm working on the next one rn...


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