Chapter 13

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Man, i got to say there is some pretty amazing views here. I was so mesmerized with all my surroundings, i almost fell off the truck as we hit a bump. But, of course Bryan was there to catch me. I quickly told him thank you and sat back down but now next to him because according to him i am too clumsy and i would fall off the truck. For the rest of the ride we just sit next to each other and watch the view. Once we finally got to the mountains I jump off the back of the truck, thankfully landing on my feet and wait for the others to get out.

As usual, the adults wanted to go their way and leave the teens (Bryan and me) to go wander somewhere else, which i thought was pretty useless and dumb since we were all heading to the cabins where we were going to be staying . I swear sometimes i think my family just tries to get rid of me whenever they get the chance because they never want me around. After we'd gotten our stuff, thankfully for me Bryan actually knew the place so it made me relax a little knowing we wouldn't get lost, well hopefully.  We parted ways from the adults and started our journey up the mountain. 

After what seemed like for ever, we reached a clearing where there was these  two beautiful cabins. One was a little bigger than the other but, nonetheless they were both gorgeous. As we got closer to the cabins i could faintly hear all the adults laughing, seemingly having a good time. But, we didn't go to the cabin of the adults, instead we went to the smaller one right next to it. We stepped inside the cabin and i was breathless. It was even more gorgeous inside. They must've really gone all out with this. Personally I think they over exaggerated just a bit considering we were only going to stay for maybe three or four days. Oh well, I don't mind at least we're going to be comfortable here especially since this cabin is just for the two of us.

Once we settled in and chose our rooms, we decided that it'd be a good idea to go out and explore since there was still daylight. As we were exploring we came across a lot of little animals which i found pretty amazing, while Bryan just stood there and watched me. Now that i thought of it, he was always watching me. He seemed more interested and fascinated by me than our surroundings. Oh well, i mean it doesn't mean anything right? Or is he judging me? He's probably thinking how fat and ugly i look. I hate this. Now i just ruined my day, now I'm going to be even more self-conscious. And with that, my mood completely changed and I just kind of dragged along.



This trip is going to be a blast I thought to myself. Brook seems so fascinated by everything around her it's quite cute actually. The way her eyes sparkle when she sees something she likes, is adorable and I just can't keep my eyes off of her.

We continue to walk and stumble upon some little animals and like I've said she looks so adorable gawking at the animals, but all of a sudden her mood changed. She became quiet, shy and even kind of hid herself from me as she walked. She looked self-conscious.

Had I done something??

Does she not like it anymore??

Man I hate seeing her like this, it breaks my heart seeing her scared and self-conscious. I think I know what I can do to make her feel better....
And as soon as that idea popped into my head I told her I wanted to show her something and we headed off.
Hey guys!! See!! It didn't take me a whole other eternity to update. Well, hopefully I can keep this up and keep updating. Byeeee!

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