Chapter 14

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Bryan suddenly became thoughtful, then out of nowhere he said he wanted to show me something. I was curious about this because he became a bit mysterious, which intrigued me. We started walking, then we took an unexpected turn leading us to a very faint trail. As we started walking up the trail I couldn't help but ask, "Are you planning to kill me? Because if you are, you're not going to succeed you dork!" In response he turned around and laughed saying, "Mira mi Angelito, if I wanted to kill you I would probably make it a little less obvious". As soon as he said that I froze and just stared at him. Which apparently he thought was funny because he just laughed and said, "I'm kidding. I'm kidding love. I would never kill you ". I ignored the fact that he just called me love and said, "And how can I be so sure of this? How do I know you're not gonna go ahead and stab me in the back". Suddenly he became serious and looked at me straight in the eyes saying, "Trust me on this. I could never and will never hurt you, in any intentional way. I cannot even bare the thought of you getting hurt. Brook I know I just met you but I truly care for you.....probably more than I should...". The last part he said it more to himself than to me. I honestly didn't know what to tell him after he had said that so I just told him that we should hurry before it started getting darker. I know, I know what a bitch, but I mean what was I supposed to tell him?! That i care for him too? I mean I do but it's just because he's my uncle right? I can't like him, he's my uncle. Plus, what about Justin? Or Andres? Okay maybe not Andres, you know what I don't know anymore. All of this thinking is starting to give me a headache, I'm just going to try to let things play out.
After what I had said Brook seemed to be deep in thought. I wonder if that was too much for her, I hope not. I don't want to ruin anything between us, if there is even anything. As we made our way up the trail we finally got to what I like to call my secret place. No one comes here, I haven't shown this to anyone. Brook is the first. It's completely off the main trail and is pretty lonely, perfect place for murder. :) Okay I'm kidding, I would never. The place is surrounded by trees since it's like a clearing and if you walk more you come up to a sort of cliff. And the view from there is breathtaking, especially during sunset and nighttime.
As we came closer to the "cliff" you could see the sun starting to set in and as I looked over to Brook, she seemed to be in awe. I brought her here not only to show her the view but also so she can forget about everything even if it's only for a while. Everything here is so quiet and beautiful, in a way it kind of reminds me of Brook. "I love coming here when I need to get away from everything and need to be alone for a while. I've never shown this place to anyone, it's like my secret place." "If this is your secret place, why are you showing it to me then?" she asked with a confused look on her face. "I'm showing you because I felt that I could trust you enough to show you this place and I felt like you needed this. I know you have a lot in your mind, I may not know what it is but I can still try to ease your mind a bit". And with that she just stayed quiet after saying thank you for everything. She put her head on my lap and watched the sunset for a little while before we had to start heading back.


hey.... I Know you all probably want to murder me for not updating, I know I would, but hey it's here now! I don't know how to feel about this chapter, so let me know what you guys think, not only about this chapter but also the story in general. Well, I gtg now but I hope y'all are having a great day/night. Byee!!


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