Chapter 11

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I wake up in the most comfortable way you can ever wake up, feeling protected... I try turning around but I can't, as I look to see why I can't move I see that I have a arm around my waist. Bryan's arm, to be exact. Strangely enough it didn't really bother me that he had his arm around me, so I go back to sleep.


I was in the most comfortable sleep you can ever think of. Keyword. Was. It was up until I felt someone poking and slapping me. As I open my eyes to see who interrupted my beauty sleep. I see my little angel squirming around and poking me. Honestly, it was the most funny yet, adorable thing I'd ever seen. I hold her so she stops moving and she looks up to me and says one word, "pee". I was so confused until I realized she meant she needed to go pee, so I let her go and see her run to the restroom. While I waited for her to return I just grabbed my clothes for the day.


Once I finally let out all my fluids from my body and wash my hands, I just start remembering the dream I had. It wasn't something normal so I was curious but, at the same time it wasn't exactly bad. I had a dream that I was at a waterfall and as I look around I see two little kids looking up to me saying, "momma! Momma!" Then, I woke up. It was strange but I just ignored it. I get out of the restroom and once I walk out I see Bryan half naked....I turn around as if I didn't see anything, but I guess I was too late. Bryan calls out my name and tries apologizing. But I just keep saying it's fine, low key on the inside I was dying though. He had the greatest body, looked like a god. While I'm over here looking like a potato. :( Anywho i wonder what we're gonna do today, I'll ask Bryan once he's done changing.


As I go back to my room, I see my little angel deep in thought. I go from behind of her, give her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head. Once I realized what I'd done, I go to say sorry to her but she just turns around and returns my hug. I look down at her and just stare at her beautiful eyes. And like in the movies, we both start leaning in and finally kiss. The kiss I'd been wishing for ever since I'd seen her, it's happening :')
Okay sorry y'all for not posting in like forever but I've been busy /: but!! I'm almost on summer vacation so expect more updates :)) so yeah I'm really sorry :( Also thank y'all for 19k!! Means a lot, so I'll be trying my best to keep up :) okay baiii!!!

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