She Will Be Loved- Chp 8

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Chapter 8

“Matt what’s the status of the people in your class?” Jayden asked while munching on some cereal before we headed out the following Monday. The whole point of the ‘camping trip’ was to clear his mind of all the campaigning and stuff but as soon as it was over he went right back into election mode. Honestly I swear he couldn’t help himself. Especially with the student body elections coming up this Wednesday. I didn’t even know why he was asking Matt when Jonie would have been better able to fill him in but I guess he had gotten desperate.

“Well you have the votes of basically all the girls but only half the guys are sold on the Jayden boat.” Matt said trying to finish in sync with Jayden.

“Hm . . . that’s not good enough; promise them strippers and beer—“

“Jayden!” I said, completely shock—well not really—by his suggestion. He hung his head as if in shame and I would have almost believed him too until he turned his head to the side abit and made a face at Matt. I rolled my eyes then got up. Those two were a lost cause no matter how much I had tried denying it.

Later on at school everyone was abuzz with election fever. I could hardly get in a word with Jayden because as soon as he found himself free he made himself busy again. At first I felt like sulking but then I gave myself a stern lecture. Why should I have sat back feeling abandoned? Jayden was out doing something that meant a lot to him and all I had to do was get in line with him. I might as well had helped him campaign and I just knew that he would really have appreciated it. My choice was made even easier when Shyla decided she would help him as well.

---Matt’s POV---

By lunch you could see a drastic change in the polls. Now Jayden practically had the whole school behind him and that was cool because he deserved it. He was awesome and he should have continued being the leader because it suited him—it suited him very well.

I walked past the Sophomore block on my way to lunch with a few of my friends from Science and a couple of jocks were leaned against lockers with some hookers—they probably weren’t but with the way they dressed you couldn’t convince me of that. I tried to avoid making any form of eye contact with them because a few of them had helped some Seniors when they were trying to take my lunch money. Now I would have ripped them apart but Jayden stepped him and threatened them. It was a good thing too because they definitely didn’t want to unleash my wrath.

“Hey freshmen, come here.” One called as we were about to get far enough away.

“Just keep walking guys.” I mumbled hoping we could have gotten far enough away.

“But they’re sophomores Matt.” Nicky whispered, clearly terrified. I guess I couldn’t blame him for being scared, after all he was the type of kid that practically begged for someone to toss them into the garbage. Basically he was your classic nerd. I was only 5”4 but he was all the way at 5”1 so as you could imagine he got teased for his height; not to mention his squeaky voice. Most of the guys in our class’ voices had already begun to change but his didn’t seem to be going anywhere. If that wasn’t bad enough he wore these huge ass glasses—they didn’t make his eyes look funny or anything, in fact they were non-medicated but he thought they looked cool and he was determined to stick with them until they somehow magically came into a style.

“Dude, I swear I’ll shove your head into a toilet myself if you stop walking.” I threatened through my teeth. I wasn’t planning to stop because I hadn’t bought lunch as yet.

“That’s a bit harsh Matt.” Dylan whispered. She was just about the only girl who hung with us and I figured it was because she had a thing for me but Jayden had told me to play it cool and let her admit it before I made my next move.

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