13: The Ending

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Anne has lived in this prison for a year now. And now it is her one and only home. And she loves it.

She has given nothing away, except the secrets of her roommates. Her old roommates are dead and gone. the ones she has now are ones of many that she has been given. She has made a deal, that she would help her captors, and to do that, she must break their minds.

And she must admit that it is very fun.

As her roommates scream from horror and terror, she quietly sits on her bed, laughing silently as she feels the power in her mind calmly feed image after image to the children around her.

A mangled body, a tortured puppy, a shredded mother, a father that has had his spinal cord pulled out.

She is the leader of this prison, for she has destroyed every mind passed to her. And out of every shattered mind, she has molded a mind of a soldier thats only purpose is to take orders from its master. She has made an army of children, and when she dies, from a bullet wound through the heart and skull, her children will enter the codes, aim, and fire the nuclear missiles at every landmass on Earth.

She hopes her little brother likes dying slowly as his organs slowly dissolve from radiation sickness. And her mother. And her father. And her friend Cody.

She knows no one will suspect her of doing this. For she is only a small 8 and a half year old, and technically all she did was play.

She just used a different toy box.

The End

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