8: Please Let Us Help You

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I am SO BEEPING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotten so many new fans, and my book had a number!!!!! Thank you to all of those wonderful fans that are appreciating my terrible work!!!

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Cody's POV

"Anne?" I asked quietly and I saw her start to look around for who had called her name.

"Yes?" she asked back, looking curious as she tried to stay next to me in the crowded hallway.

"Are you the girl that was mean to my little sister" I questioned in a hard voice, glaring down at the small girl. Her pretty little face paled and she started to look pained.

"Y-y-yes" she whispered and she looked at the floor.

"Why?!?!" I almost yelled at her, grabbing the collar of her big shirt, and lifting her off of the ground. She started to struggle for air and her feet kicked weakly. "You know that you made her think that she was worthless and a witch and mean?!?!?! You made her think those things! And you are going to pay for it!"

"I- I-" she gasped out.

"You what?!"

"I- I- d-deserve to d-d-ie."

"What?!?" I was astonished at her answer and I dropped her to the floor. She coughed quietly, then looked up at me. The pain, the torture, and the sadness, seemed to go on forever in her dark green eyes, and I tried not to cry from looking into them. 

"I deserve to die, at least then I wouldn't have to live" when she was done, I was staring at her with my mouth open.

"Can I- Can I help you? Please? Can you let us help you?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, you couldn't help me."

"Yes I do" I stared at the ground, not wanting to look in her eyes "I followed you home yesterday, and I heard what your dad did to you."

"What did you hear?" her voice was cold, and it held strength that I didn't think a little girl could have.

"I-I- I just heard him yelling at you for spilling something, and then I heard him hurting you, that's all, I promise." 

"He didn't hurt me, he was just giving me what I deserved, I was clumsy."

"That doesn't mean he can do that to you! No one should have that done to themselves."

"That may be what you believe, but I am worthless and I deserve to be treated like that. I need to be treated like that. My life is useless, as am I, so I deserve what I get." With that, she turned around and tried to rush off, but I grabbed her arm quickly. 

"Anne! Please, I am begging you, let us help you." I told her and she struggled, trying to get out of my grip.

"I can't. I'm not allowed." With those words, she finally got out of my grip, and she left, leaving me staring after her.

 "Crystal. We have to help her." I told her quietly. "We have to."

"Why? Why do we 'have' to help her?!" she asked furiously. "She's not our friend, so why do we have to help her?"

"Because she said- she said-" I stopped trying to say it, not wanting Anne's words to come out of my lips.

"Spit it out, Cody!" she lashed out. "What did she tell you?"

"She told me that she deserved to die. That she deserved to be treated like that by her dad."

"But why would- why would-" she stopped talking, and sat down heavily on her bed, putting her head in her hands. When she finally talked, her voice was muffled. "I know how to help her, Cody."

"How?" I asked, curious and a little weary. 

"Do you trust me? Do you honest-to-God trust me?" came her reply.

"Yes, of course." I told her without hesitation, "You are my sister and I will do anything for you."

I feel so absolutely awful because I made you guys wait so long. 8,',',',','((((((((((((((((((

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