3: I Want to Leave

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Anne's POV

"Anne! you do not get any food today because you forgot to make dinner" mom said, turning away and then I asked her something that I will regret for as long as I live.

"Mommy, can I leave?" I asked in a quiet voice, begging that she would say yes, or at least just say no and turn away, but instead she smiled.

"Why would you want to do that, darling?" she asked and I gasped at her words, because I hadn't heard those words since I was younger then two.

"Mommy?" I asked, still in shock and she looked at me.

"Since you want to leave so badly, I am going to let you move in with your uncle. How does that sound to you?" she said with an evil glint in her eye and I flinched back.

"No, Mommy! I promise I won't ask again!! Please don't make me!!!!" I yelled, almost sobbing.

"But you're the one who wanted to leave, so it is decided, you will be leaving in three days" she said, then went upstairs, out of the cold basement. I went inside of my closet and hugged my knees to my chest, my body shaking as wave after wave of sobs went through me.

I didn't want to go to live with Uncle Devvon, he didn't really live anywhere. Instead he went from cheap hotel to cheap hotel, and I always tried to stay away from him. He always had a whip in his back pocket, and he knew how to use it, he had given me a strike with it to the back of my legs more than once, and I still had scars there. He had matted black hair, white skin, a little fat, but he was strong, and when I tried to resist anything, he beat me until I had at least one broken arm, and a new whip scar. I hated him.

Then I thought of something else. Adam. He was going to be left alone with my parents. It didn't matter that they treated him pretty good, he still might turn into my father.

Adam was the Alpha-to-be, while my father was the current Alpha. Dad let him have tutors, a fancy room, a karate teacher, a alpha trainer, but the only reason that dad gave him all of that stuff, is because Adam will be the alpha one day. As soon as Adam was born, I was sent to live in the basement. So when I huddled inside of my tattered quilt, trying to keep the cold away, Adam was sleeping peacefully, warm and content. I didn't blame him, I loved him with all of my heart and he always said that he loved me back.  I was glad that he didn't know what mom and dad did to me, because he might have gotten hurt. He was the only person I would truly miss when I left.

Adam's POV

"Adam?" I heard someone whisper and I opened my eyes. My door was open a little and I knew that Anne was back to see me again.

"Anne?" I asked and then saw her quietly come into my room and close the door. She ran over to my bed and hugged me really tight, shaking. "What's wrong, Anne? What happened?" she didn't answer me, she just shook her head and looked at me with boundless love and tears streaming out of her eyes.

"I'm leaving, Adam" she said quietly and I stared into her eyes, trying to believe that maybe I was still dreaming, or maybe she was just joking.

"But you can't leave me!" I almost shouted and she covered my mouth.

"Don't be so loud, please. They can't know I'm here" she said, looking terrified as she tried to convince me.


"Mommy and daddy, they can't know that I came in here again." 

"But-" I tried to understand what she had said "but they're always good to us."

"Adam" she whispered into my ear "they sent me away with Uncle Devvon." I looked at her, confused at why she wouldn't like him, he was always nice and showed me tricks that he could do with his cool whip. "Look" was all she said as lifted her legs onto my bed and showed me her scars.

"Adam, I need you to promise me something, okay?" she asked and I nodded, still a little shocked at the whip marks on her "Don't listen to what mommy and daddy say about me, promise?" 

"But-" I started to say, but she stopped me.

"Just promise" she told me, a little forcibly, which surprised me, because she was always scared and quiet.

"I promise." that was the last thing I said to her before she left my childhood.

Anne's POV

I slipped out of Adam's room and I tried to run as I went, but my broken ribs hurt so bad, that I had to only walk, risking the fact that someone could see that I wasn't in my closet.

"Hey lookie here, it's the butler girl!" I heard yelled before I tripped over an outstretched foot, face first down at least 20 steps. I felt one of my arms crack and I whimpered out loud. "Oopsie daisy, I guess you should be more careful." I looked up the stairs and saw Teresa looking down at me, her blond hair curled perfectly around her sneering face.

I want to kill her my wolf raged and I tried desperately to calm her.

Don't, Amber! We can't get in trouble!

But we don't deserve to be treated this way! We are special!

What do you mean? Amber? Tell me! I begged her to tell me what she meant, but she went back to her silent sulking

She never said anything when my parents beat me, because we loved them and didn't want to hurt them, and it wasn't their fault that I didn't deserve some things. But when it came to everyone else that hurt us, well, she really wanted to hurt them even if I didn't.

"Oh and by the way, you forgot to clean my new dress, so you're lucky I won't hurt you." Teresa said as I tried to set my broken arm the right way, trying to make it stop bending. I couldn't see as tears leaked out of my eyes again, but suddenly Teresa was in front of me 

"Oh, did I say I wouldn't hurt you? Guess I was mistaken" she said once, before bringing her foot down on top of my broken arm. Pain seared up my arm and I screamed in agony as the bones crunched under her strong, werewolf strengthened foot. Then I passed out again, slowly slipping away from the awful pain that was overcoming my entire body.

I had to make you stop hating only the parents, now didn't I? Oh well, I am going to start working on next chapter now, or maybe I'll just sleep for 12 hours  >:)   ..............actually I would love to do that because I didn't sleep all night *yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn*

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