4: Time to Go

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Video on the side is just what my brother got stuck in my head, so don't blame me if you don't like it, i sorta am temporarily addicted to Green Day Rock Band for x-box, and I am horrible at it too. So anyways, sorry for the delay and here is the chapter, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! Or else, I will scold you thoroughly and send my pet crocodile after you!!!!!!!!!!

Anne's POV

"Come on, princess! I do not have all day to waste for you!" Uncle Devvon yelled into my ear and I jerked up from the stained car seat, looking around, dazed. 

"Where-?" I asked sleepily and he reached into my pile and came out with my broken hand that had only just started to heal. I whimpered out in pain and he chuckled, then just dragged me out of the car and into the hotel room that he had just checked out. Still dragging me, he grabbed my little blanket that had all of my things in it, put them into the closet, then pushed me in too. He slammed the door, then locked it quickly, leaving me alone in the dark.

"Just so that you don't run away, princess" he said once, then I heard him make his was over to the awful bed. Then I heard something move inside of my new closet, a LOT of somethings. I screamed in terror, not knowing what was making the noise in the darkness, only knowing that I HAD to get away from the.

"What is with all of the racket?" my uncle yelled as he yanked open the closet and I ran out as fast as I could, hiding behind him, then finally, looking back. There were at least 50 cockroaches dashing into the small holes in the corners, and I trembled, backing away slowly from the closet. "I thought you were being killed for god's sake! And all that over a few bugs! You are pathetic" he said in disgust, then grabbed my wrist and put me back into the closet, pulling the string to the light bulb above me to turn it on. "All you had to do was turn on the light, princess, stupid fool." Then he closed the door again, while I cuddled up in my quilt, leaning my back against the door so that I could see everything around me. Soon I feel asleep with my book clutched to my chest and my quilt wrapped around me, the dim light keeping the cockroaches away.

"Okay, time to get the rules straight, princess" he sneered down at me, "One; you get 2 meals a week. Two; you are not allowed to complain. Three; we will stay at 1 hotel a month, which means you have to go to a different school each month. Four; at school you are not allowed to make any friends, or let them come home, even if it's 'for a project'. Five; you have to call me daddy at all times" he finished and tears leaked down my face, shocked at everything he had said. 

"But Uncle-" I asked desperately, then stopped as he slapped me across my face, the sound vibrating through my head, and I cried even more. 

"I told you not to complain, I told you to call me daddy, did I not?" he told me in disgust and slapped me again "don't cry either, tears make you weak, little girl, they make you show your weaknesses." I sniffed and wiped my eyes, trying to hide my tears, but he punched my stomach. My healing rib shifted and I gasped in pain, almost falling to the ground, but I just barely managed to stay on my feet, swaying.

"Oh, does that hurt?" he asked cruelly and then grabbed my broken hand to pull me towards him. I screamed as every bone in my hand crunched together and he looked at me with eyes glazed. He caressed my face and I struggled not to flinch

"Hi Rachel, I missed you, why did you leave me?" his eyes were filled with joy and tenderness, but his eyes were still glazed. I sniffed his hot breath and could smell alcohol, that explained it, he thought I was his mate. Rachel had rejected him and left him for another guy, and it was when she was pregnant with his baby too. Uncle lost it and it took 6 tranquilizers darts to stop his rampage. I tried to not move and let his hands touch my face, but then his eyes cleared and he started to shake with rage. He clenched his hands, then ran out of the hotel room, breaking down the door in his haste to get to the woods nearby. As soon as he got out the door, he shifted into a wolf and I barely glimpsed his greasy black matted fur, before he was gone. I sighed and quickly picked up all of the pieces of the door, and then the pieces of his torn clothing that he had destroyed when he shifted. After that, I started to clean up everything else in the hotel rom. When I was done, I sighed again and then went back to my closet, shutting the door and leaning my back against it, the light still on. Soon I fell asleep and dreamed of a place without bugs and rats and dirt, but of wolves running free and mates together everywhere.

Uncle Devvon's POV

I ran and ran until I finally couldn't run any more and I collapsed, staying in wolf form as I mourned my mate. I could remember her perfectly, for she was my other half.

"I am leaving you, Devvon" she whispered into my ear quietly, and I pulled back the hand that was running through her soft curly blond hair, then looked at her, trying to understand what she had said

"Did I do something wrong, my love?" I asked alarmed

"No, you haven't done anything, but I have to tell you something, dear" she smiled at me, a soft, guilty smile

"I'm not in love with you, I am in love with Charlie, my old boyfriend, and I am pregnant."

"With my baby? Or his?" I asked, begging for her to say mine

"It's yours, but you won't ever see it" she said, then I stared in shock as she turned away from me and made her way towards a man that was standing next to a pickup truck. He kissed her on the cheek, and she pulled him into a deeper kiss. I felt a sledge hammer come down on my heart and I yelled to  her, begging her to come back, to be my mate forever, to make me complete, but she just got into the truck and buckled up. I clutched my chest, trying to stop the pain, but I couldn't.

"Rachel! Come back! Please come back! I promise I will do better for you! Just don't leave me!" I yelled despratley, then fell to the dirt ground, feeling the bond shatter between us. Then I looked up and saw Rachel in the truck, laughing back at me. My only love of my life, left me, and took my child with her, then laughed at me when I told her I would do anything for her. Tears stained my cheeks as I sobbed on the ground.

It was my 21 birthday on that day, now I am 31. I am stuck with a horrible little devil that tortures me. The devil spawn pretended to be my mate for god's sake, she just wanted to hurt me. So she was going to get it soon, she was really going to get it.

Leave Me Alone, Now and Forever (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ