The Questions Are Finally Being Answered

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Someone had a LOT of questions, and after a LOT of months I finally answered them! If you have any more questions, message me and I will add them to this question page. If you want different scenes of when she was in the prison, I can do those too, you just have to specify what event for me to write.

1. What happened to Cody and Adam?

Cody watched as his sister was shot and as Anne turned into a wolf and tore her uncle apart, so when he wandered home and started screaming about a creature that had torn apart his sister's killer, he was immediatley arrested. The court could not prove that he was Crystal's killer, and Cody's attorney pleaded insanity, so Cody was sent to a mental institution where his shattered mind could rant and rave to its heart content.

Adam is now six and a half, and he stills asks about Anne once in a while, but his parents have almost succeded in convincing him that she was just an imaginary friend. He is still treated well because he is an Alpha-in-training, except now he is learnning to treat all beings as his parents do, so in the future he will not be thought of in a good light.

2. Did Crystal die?

Yes, Crystal was shot in the head by Anne's uncle.

3. Why is she (Anne) so insane?

Anne is not insane, she just is a bit mad with power.

4. What happened to her (Anne) during her time as prison?

 Anne was betrayed by one of the prisoners, and when he tried to talk to her to apologize, Anne felt such rage, anger, and revenge filled thoughts, that she decided to fully embrace the evil things that her wolf offered to her. Anne's wolf unlocked Anne's true power, the one that she might not of had to use, but Anne felt such feelings, such blood colored feelings, that the power was brought to her hand.

After Anne had driven all of her gaurds' minds and the prisoner's mind that betrayed her, the leader of the prison brought her before him and made a deal that if she destroyed the minds of all those that were brought to her and melded the minds into perfect soldiers, she would be left alone to use her power as much as she wanted for the rest of her days. She took the deal and now whenever there is a soldier that starts to turn traitor or a criminal that refuses to be changed, they are brought to her and she changes them so that the people are turned into perfect soldiers, just like the world leaders want.

5. How can she make people go crazy?

Anne can make people's minds shatter and then get put back together again because her wolf and herself finally got sick of the badness in the world, so they decided to use the power that they were given to finally become the one that nightmares are all about.

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