5: The First School

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, my mom broke her ankle, really hope it heals before the 30th cause we're going to California for the Fourth of July.

Comment and vote, or else I will use crocodile on you, also, what is it with everyone nagging for more the second they read my stuff??? I mean, my stuff is horrible!!

 Oh, and referring to a previous comment, I  had a happy childhood, and I am not deranged in any way :'D 

Anne's POV

"Anne? Where are you, you little brat?" he yelled and I jumped awake, making the closet door open. I tumbled out and looked around blindly for Uncle. He was in the doorway and when he saw me, he rushed over to me.

He wrenched me up by my hair and slowly took the whip out of the pile of torn up clothes that I had put on his bed. He let go of his hold on my hair for a second and sat me down on the bed. He calmly rolled up my tattered leggings and then stood back, getting ready to use the whip on me. 

"Daddy, please don't," I whispered, knowing that he would whip me harder for complaining, knowing that it hurt my heart a little more every time I called him daddy. I didn't cry though, because I didn't want to be a weakling. 

"You deserve this, princess" he said, every time he brought the flexible leather down on my legs, spacing each lash apart, not wanting to scar me. I just say on the bed, taking it quietly, and whimpering every time the whip made contact with my flesh. Then finally I couldn't take the pain lashed into my body. My head bounced on the bed once before it settled and I could hear the sounds of the whip continuing as he flipped my body over to whip the back of my legs, as I feel into deep unconsciousness.

"Get out of there, you useless lump" he told me as he dragged me out of the closet and then threw me into the bathroom "Clean yourself up and put on the clothes that are in there."

I locked the door quietly, then turned to the shower. I hissed as I slowly took off the leggings, accidentally brushing the rough fabric against raw skin that was crusted with blood, then I slipped off everything else, then stepped into the shower. I turned on the hot water and scrubbed with the bar of soap, trying to get the layers of dirt off, then just thoroughly washing my hair with the shampoo. After I got out of the shower I dried myself off with the towel, then put on the clothes. There was a pair of short white socks, a pair of purple leggings that were a little big and covered up the whip marks, a short, leather skirt, and a big white t-shirt that went to my knee, covering the skirt. I put them on, feeling refreshed and clean for the first time in years. 

"Do I get any shoes, daddy?" I asked quietly, standing next to him as he watched the tv, hoping he would say yes. He nodded his head and pointed to a big pair of hunter boots that were in the corner. They were size 10 and my feet bounced in them as I walked around in them, uncle finally got off the bed and walked to the door, he gave me a backpack that was heavy, and then I remembered my book. I ran back over to my closet and grabbed it out of my blanket, it was called Romeo and Juliet, then ran back over to where uncle was waiting impatiently. "I'm ready now."

"Then let's go already, princess" he grunted and unlocked the car so that I could get in. As soon as I got in, I closed the door and buckled up. "Let's go over the rules for school now, princess. One, you have to call me daddy, even when you talk to children and teachers. Two, your full name is going to be Anne Abagail Adams. Three, you can not, under any circumstances, have friends. Four, you can not tell anything to the teachers or children about your real past. Do you understand?" he asked, looking at me in expectancy and annoyance.

"Yes" I whispered meekly.

"What was that?" he asked, even though I knew he had heard, because of his werewolf hearing.

"Yes daddy" I said louder, my voice shaking.

"Good" uncle said, then nodded to himself. "Oh, I forgot, you are also 8 years old as of now, and you should count yourself as lucky, seeing as it is the beginning of the school year, and that you are completely ignorant."  We pulled up to the school and I sighed in relief. I opened the door and jumped out of the truck, my heavy backpack banging against my back as my feet stomped onto the ground. I winced as the fabric of my leggings rubbed against the healing whip mark, and tried not to move my legs much as I made my way to the front office. I stood in line for a few minute, before I was called up.

"What do you need, sweetie?" the woman asked kindly with a tired and nice smile on her face.

 "Could you please tell me what teacher I have?" I asked politely, trying to make my meek voice loud.

"What is your name and grade?" she asked and I sighed in relief that she could help.

"Anne Adams, and I'm in 3rd grade."

 "Okay, Anne. Wait one second while I get out your file, and then I can tell you." the woman said, then hurried over to the metal file cabinet that was behind her. The metal screeched a little and her fingers flew over the files, looking for mine. After she had found mine, she quickly looked at the pages inside of it, and then found what she wanted.

"Ah, here it is, it says that you are in Mrs. Ruby's class, so just go through that hallway and it will be the sixth on the left, okay?" she asked, and I nodded, relieved.

"Thank you." I whispered to her and quickly walked to the class room that she had told me to go to, trying to move my way through all of the other kids. I sat down in the back row and quietly put down my backpack, then waited for everyone else to settle down at their desks.


 Mrs. Ruby's POV

 I walked into the classroom, my heels clicking on the floor, then I looked around my new students. 

"Good morning everyone, and welcome to my classroom" I said cheerfully, then went back to the first-day-of-school' speech "I hope we have a good year together, and I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful knowledge. Now, before I say any more, are there any new students this year?"

I saw only one student raise her hand, and I looked over to her. Her long brown hair draped over her beaten down shoulders, her eyes dull, her hand shaking, she doesn't look like a eight year old, I thought to myself, she looks like someone who has suffered too much. "Come up to the front" I told her and she walked between the other desks, making her way to the front. I could see her wincing as she struggled not to trip.

"What's your name? And where did you move from?" 

"My name's Anne", she said in a soft, innocent voice "I'm from Illinois."

"Well class, we need to make her feel welcome, so say hi to Anne." I told the class and was answered with different voices saying 'hi Anne". "Go back to your seat now, Anne." I told her and she smiled a tired smile at me as she went back to her desk in the back, her shoulders hunched agaainst all of the bad things she had seen.

Okay just want to tell you, if you try to persuade me about making her meet her mate early, One, he will reject her. Two, someone will kill him and then rape her. Or three, he will try to kill her and leave her mortaly wounded in an alley

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