9: Questions

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Cody's POV 

"Anne! Wait!" I yelled, gasping as I finally caught up with her. It was the end of yet another school day and Anne had wasted no time with fleeing into the parking lot, probably so she wouldn't make her dad have to wait. "I wanted to talk to you." 

"Go away! You can't be with me!" she whispered furiously and pretended that I wasn't there. 

"Anne, please just talk to us" I begged her. 

"Not now! He can't see you!" she said, her voice starting to get frantic. 

"I'm not leaving you alone until you to talk to Crystal and me." I told her, determined to make her listen to me. 

"Okay! I'll listen to you guys, later. Just go." she said, pushing me away and looking around with panic in her eyes. I walked away from her quickly and went straight over to my car where Crystal was waiting.  

"How'd it go?" she asked after I slammed my door closed. 

"She said yes, so what now?" I asked her. I hate being in the dark, I thought to myself. "And when will you tell me the whole plan?" 

"Okay, one; we have to get her alone tomorrow." Crystal told me, then continued after a breath. "And two; I'm not going to tell you everything, until you know everything." 

"But then I won't need to know!" I groaned.  

"Exactly" she told me with a grin on her face.

"Come on, Cody! We're going to miss her!" Crystal pulled my arm, frustrated that I was taking so long.  

"Just wait a minute" I told her, struggling to pick up the papers that had fallen from my backpack. After they were all safely in my bag, I straightened up and let her pull me along to where she had been trying to lead me before.  

"A janitor's closet? Why the heck are we at a janitor's closet?" I exclaimed, completely surprised. 

"Because" she said with an 'of course' face. "Where else did you think we would talk to her?" 

"Ummm, what about the parking lot?" 

"Too many witnesses." 

"Bathroom?" I asked. She gave me an amused face. 

"Do you really want to go into the girls bathroom?" she asked, looking about to burst into laughter. 

"Oh. I didn't think about that." I bent my head down, trying to cover my blushing face as she started to giggle. "Can't we just get back to the plan?" 

"Yes" she replied, immediately serious and showing only a straight face. She opened the door to the closet, and we both sneaked in before anyone could see us. "Okay, just wait here and I'll go get Anne." 

"I really hate being left in the dark." I told her before she slipped out. 

"Too bad, you might as well get used to it." she said and then I was alone.

Crystal's POV 

I looked around impatiently, and then finally spotted Anne coming into the school building. 

"Anne! Finally!" I told her and grabbed her hand quickly. 

"Crystal? Let go of me" she said and tried to yank her hand out of my grip. 

"No. Sorry, Anne, but you promised to talk to us so you have to." She groaned a little, and then let me drag her to the janator's closet.

"A custodian's closet?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and an amused face.

"Oh hush. Now into the closet we go," We both went in and Anne looked between Cody and I, sighing. 

"Talk away, you two." and with that we started, finally being able to let all the questions that had gathered, out.

Anne's POV

 "Why do you let your dad treat you like that?" Cody asked first.

 "Because he is stronger and I don't really have a choice." I answered with a sigh.

"But couldn't you go to one of the DSWD things?" he asked and I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

"It's a thing where abused citizens are protected and taken care of, so that they get better." Crystal informed me.

"Then no, I couldn't go to that." I said, imagining what uncle would do to me if I even attempted to get away, and flinching. 

 "Why not?" he asked me and I looked at Cody with eyes filled with hurt.

"My father would kill me. Please go on to the next question." I told them

"Okay, ummmmm............ Why did you and your dad move here?" she asked me, and I thought about that, finally deciding that I didn't really know, so I told them.

 "I don't know, he never told me why, all he told me was that we would be moving soon after we got here."  Then the harsh ring of the tardy bell rang out and we all jumped. "Dang it! I can't be late, bye Crystal, bye Cody." With that I sped off toward my classroom and rushed to get ready for a day of school.

Cody's POV

"What now, Crystal?" I asked quietly as she started to gather up her stuff.

"Now we wait until Friday." she told me and I sighed.

"And then?" I questioned her impatiently.

"And then we risk our lives." Crystal finally spit out and I gaped at her.

"We-we- WHAT?!?!?" I gasped out and stared at her in disbelief as she finally fled the closet.  "That girl is nuts" I muttered to myself, shaking my head before settling in for a long day of waiting in a janitor's closet. I had to wait until school was over before I could leave, so that it wouldn't look suspicious when we leave the building. "I really hope this is worth it."

I know it's short :( but I promise you'll LOVE how much happens and how long the next chapter is. 8)

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