Chapter 3

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As (Y/N) was walking out of the school and on her way to the train station she was then called out by her name by none other than Kuroko who was slightly panting due to trying to catch up to the female. "(Y/N) we need to catch up on things... I want to talk to you again" he said while slightly whiping away sweat on his forehead "Eh? Really? I'm flattered.. I have an idea! lets go to the park we used to always hang out at!" (Y/N) suggested happily, slightly excited to catch up but a bit nervous when on what he will say. When they got to the playground they sat on the swings, just like old times. "So (Y/N)... How have you been?" Kuroko asked with the same poker face he has 24/7. "Ah nothin much.. Same old me.." "Have you had any add-ons to your life?" "What do you mean...?" "For example a new person coming into your life" the female paused for a couple seconds looking up into the sky in a thinking position "well... There is this one guy... Super adorable and cute... But we haven't met for a whole year.." "And you still like him?" "Haha! I know it's weird but I can't help but think he's one of a kind in many ways possible, and he cheers me up in the funniest ways" she giggled a bit having a flash back of when she bumped into Ryo. The boy next to her was silent, slightly pouting at the new interest she's taken into someone else 'so does that mean that she no longer likes me like she did in middle school?' He thought to himself. "Kuroko?... Kuroko? Hello? Earth to Ku-" "Tetsuya..." "Eh?" "Call me Tetsuya again" "Eh?... Ok..." "...." "But anyway what about you? Still dating Momoi-San?" The female asked non-bitterly or any sadness or anger in her voice. "No..." "Eh? But Ku-I mean Tetsuya didn't you guys become a thing on the last day of middle school? Ya know at first I felt kinda bitter but I mean now that I think about it you guys kinda look cute I me- "(Y/N)" Kuroko cut off sternly causing the female to stay silent and look at him confused and pausing for him to continue. "Do you really... Not feel anything for me anymore?" (Y/N) paused for a moment trying to take in what was thrown at her slightly surprised. The female took in a breath as if thinking before speaking "Why, of course not, I  mean I was rejected after all right? I have to move on in order to carry on with life.." She finished off calmly while smiling slightly. Kuroko silently mumbled to himself inaudible for the female to hear "eh? What did you say?" "I won't give up" "eh? Can you speak up ag-" she was interrupted by Kuroko immediately appearing in front of her face just a couple centimeters from her face. "I won't give up on you even if you no longer like me" he said still with that famous poker face that he pulls off so well . (Y/N) at this moment was completely dazed and frazzled about if what she was hearing was real. "You're kidding right? Tetsuya don't joke about this" "Then if I said I wasn't joking then would it be ok?" "Tetsuya... You rejected me for Momoi remember?" "Yes I realize that.. But then I realized over summer that I was wrong about my decision... (Y/N) please... Give me another chance?" 


just so you know I have nothing against Satsuko Momoi in fact she's a very sweet girl ;D also I feel like Tetsuya is OOC omg ._.

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