Chapter 13

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~Kuroko's POV~ 

As we arrived at the academy and walked through the halls, we got weird and confused looks once they saw our uniforms. I blankly continued walking not sparing them much of a glance, their stares made me uncomfortable. I glance over to see how (Y/N)'s taking their glances and confused gasps, but of course since it's (Y/N) she didn't even notice the stares, or at least she didn't pay much of mind to them and continued striding towards the gym doors with the same goofy grin she has if she's super excited. I let out a small sigh through my mouth once we got towards the gym doors, finally not having to be penetrated by their sharp gazes. (Y/N) hurriedly opens the door with a loud noise catching the basketball players' attention. I scan the room looking for Sakurai-kun, finding him completely shocked to see us. "(Y-Y-Y/N)?!? W-what are you doing here?" Sakurai-kun breaks the silence.

(Y/N) skips over to Sakurai-kun with the goofy smile engulfing him in a hug making him blush profusely. The feeling of jealousy and envy rushes through my veins as I stare at the couple hugging and (Y/N) kissing his cheek, causing me to unconsciously glare at Sakurai-kun. I see him immediately tense up making me just continue to harden my glare, in which others would probably just see it as a gaze of mine with my unemotional face. I'm sorry Sakurai-kun... (Y/N)... I can't give you up just yet...

~Sakurai's POV~ 

I start blushing extremely hard once I read (Y/N)'s response to my text getting small hoots from my other teammates and comments. Imayoshi-senpai gives me his usual close eyed smile saying "Is it from (Y/N)-chan?" With that comment more comes and in the distance I can hear "Get some Sakurai!" I blush more heavily, which I didn't think was even possibly! I feel so hot I might pass out! Oh (Y/N) the things you do to me... I hope she's doing ok in school,  especially since I'm not able to be with her during classes or even in the same school! I sit back and let my mind wander a bit thinking of what it would be like to be at the same school as (Y/N)... We'd be able to hold hands walking in the hallways and eat together and maybe (Y/N) would be able to... F-feed m-me... No! Ryo get a hold of yourself! Don't think of such things about (Y/N)! So embarrassing... Right then my embarrassment was interrupted by the loud sound of the gym doors opening revealing, conveniently, the person who has been on my mind ALL day! Especially since I was just thinking about her... Even more embarrassing! 

She instantly ran up to me pulling me into a warm hug and kissing me on the cheek, "(Y-Y-Y/N)?!? W-what are you doing here?" I curse myself inwardly for stuttering. Only then do I just notice the two standing by her. The tall one with red hair and an intimidating aura-Kagami-kun I think? Checking out the gym and the other one was... Gulp... Kuroko-kun! I looked oved as he glared over at me making me cower a bit, I don't want (Y/N) to think I'm a complete whimp!  "I came to visit you! I wanted to eat lunch with you since we're not in the same school and I missed you of course!" She stated boldly as ever. I think it's very admirable how (Y/N) can so easily say her feelings even if they're really embarrassing!

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