Chapter 9

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~(Y/N)'S POV~

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my chin, he suddenly became super quiet.. eery quiet.. It's usually a comfortable silence but... This is kinda frightening. Did I say something that didn't make sense? I'm starting to rethink my choice of words. Maybe he didn't hear me when I said this should end? I mean his head's been down for a while.. Did-or should I say- does he really like me? Like I know people tend to get jealous over previous friends or something and people start thinking they like the-"I'm sorry (Y/N) I really am... For a lot of things... How we last departed in middle school.. and I wasn't the one to run after you when you walked away, how I wasn't the one to comfort you when you cried. It seems that... It's already too late for me huh?" I nod unconsciously, yes it was very painful and it really hurt me to lose both of my close friends especially to be together, even when I liked one of them. I hear a slight chuckle from him.


I bitterly chuckle to myself, of course I was too late, it's been almost a year now... Why did I unnecessarily say all that? It's not going to make a difference and we can't change the past no matter how much you want to.. I'm so hopeless, but who knows? If Sakurai-kun doesn't end up liking her in that way, I'll be right there for (Y/N), my dear friend and unrequited lover.. suddenly brought out of my thoughts I hear a cough. I look up and realize she's been staring at me with those hypnotizing eyes.. Oh (Y/N) the things you do to me.. Makes me really not want to give up.. "Hey though... We can still be like old times kind of you know? just a bit less... If you really do miss back then... Then.." I pause for a moment stunned looking at her flustered fidgeting figure. I then smile gently.. She's too stunning to give up.. I won't, no I can't, advance right now.. But maybe some day in the future?.. 


"Yes... I would very much like that." (Y/N) looked up surprised then smiled a playful smile. "Well it's getting late ya know, you don't have to fully walk me home, I mean I do take the train." "Yes but (Y/N) I'm very determined not to let you get lost... Again." "How rude! That was only a couple times!" Later that night when (Y/N) got home, ate her dinner, went into her room crashing on her bed with a sigh of relief her played the default text message ring tone. 

                                                                           "Hi this is Ryo Sakurai,

                                                         I really hope I didn't interrupt anything! 

                                             Ah! What am I doing I probably interrupted something! I'm sorry!

                                      I was hoping sometime we could meet up.. Or something.. 

                                But it's okay if you don't want to! I'm sorry  asked I'm sorry!"

                                  (Y/N) smiled at her phone and started to reply back...

 ~A U T H O R S N O T E~

I'm really reaaalllyy sorry! Also not a very good update because it's pretty darn short!!!! D; I wanted to really just focus on the rejection and try to think of how to do it smoothly and without a YANDERE TETSUYA but ya (-。-; Time just slipped from me! Spring break just ended Monday and the teachers decided to throw all the home work they can at me! Also testing is coming this week for me! (⌒-⌒; ) I will indeed try to update in my free time 

Again sorry and thank you for reading m(_ _)m

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