Chapter 10

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Authors Note~ 

If you didn't I just want to tell you before you start the story

During the family part I kinda switch off with what they're saying so sorry if it gets confusing!  

(F/C) means favorite color (tho if you already know that from reading other stories then that's great!) 

(F/D) means favorite design (this goes for your outfit for the date btw)

(S/N) means sibling name (I just left it as your imagination or your personal life on the sibling's gender)

(D/N) means dad's name

~3RD POV~ 

On a lovely Saturday at 11:45am where the birds are chirping, Sky is blue, and just a tad bit of fluffy clouds, but at the moment (Y/N) is struggling to pick out an outfit for the date with none other than Ryo Sakurai. "Hmm should I just go with normal dressing or go with a dress?" She said as she looked at both of the laid out clothing. "Ah but it depends on where we plan on going!" She looked at the (F/D&F/C)t-shirt and the capris. "Ah screw it, I've heard to just be yourself on a date so" (Y/N) then changed into her outfit and was about to exit the door but a voice stopped her "(Y/N)? Where are you going dear?" Her mother spoke which drew everyone else's attention to the girl. "Heh~ what if she's going on a date with her boyfriend~" (S/N) said drawing out the word boyfriend. That however, got Mr. (L/N) jumping "What boyfriend? (Y/N) who is this boyfriend?" (Y/N) sweat dropped "I don't have a boyfriend, I'm just meeting up with a friend.." "Ya most likely a guy, so it's a date!" "(S/N) hush you!" "So it is a boy? Let me meet this young man" "indeed I wish to meet him, you should bring him home late (Y/N)! Our little girl growing up don't you think (D/N)?~" "Not on my watch no!" At this point (Y/N) took this chance to exit the house fast and swiftly so she doesn't get further questioned. 

~(Y/N)'S POV~

I wipe away the stray sweat on my forehead. "Wew, so glad I crept out, or else I would be late for my date! Wait... Crap I have 5 minutes left until the date starts and I have to take the train! Crap!" Ryo said to meet at the statue that's in the middle of all the stores, forgot the details but ya. He was super adorable trying to sort it out with me, all stuttery and all over the phone! I can feel my cheeks start to heat up at the thought as I enter the train. Crap I'm probably gonna be late, I'll just say that I got held up by my family's bombard of questions! Ya but I'll still feel bad hehe.. I wonder what we will do today! For one I'm starving, was up all morning trying to figure out my outfit so I didn't really have time to eat but whatever! I wonder if we will be able to do couple things, like accidentally bumping hands. I feel my face start over heating at the thought of other things as well. My thoughts were then interrupted at the speaker saying we arrived, I run out the train getting weird looks but whatever, once I step out the train and arrive at the station I take a second to look at my phone: 12:02 "crap! I'm already 2 minutes late!!" I then start sprinting to the area and arrive in front of the statue out of breath. Quite the exercise! 

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