Sakurai's Ending

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Authors Key: (F/J) = Favorite/future Job

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Authors Key: (F/J) = Favorite/future Job


In the end, Sakurai won. With Sakurai's quick release shot technique, he got easy 3 pointers, on the other hand Kuroko, was merely a shadow. Kuroko's main techniques were used mainly for team work, with his light, which is Kagami Taiga, in which who wasn't in the game. Some may say that it was luck that Sakurai Ryo won against Kuroko Tetsuya, but Ryo still won.

Once the game was over (Y/N) ran over to Ryo and gave him a hug and a big kiss on the cheek, in which Ryo happily accepted while lifting (Y/N) up in the air and spun. Once Sakurai let (Y/N) down, she walked in front of Tetsuya, who was dejected and getting comfort from his team.

"Tetsuya... I'm sorry.. But I can't be swayed anymore! Ryo means a lot to me, and I love him very much. I love you too! But as a friend.. I used to wish we could go back to the olden times in Teiko, where we were very close friends, but I was foolish. What is done, has been done, and you can't change anything that happens in the past, therefore it is impossible to go back. 

I was hurt from that incident, but a big rainbow of sunshine ran into me on that day, and has changed my life!" (Y/N) turned to spare a loving glance at Sakurai as he stood their flushed and almost shaking with happiness. "Without him, I would've probably been very depressed and sad for a while, and may of have never been the same happy person I am today! That's why, together, we should move on 

and forget about our past... I must agree, it was indeed fate we met at this school once again, but maybe that was a test? I don't know what life has in store for us but.. I feel just so right with Ryo. I'm sorry.. Friends?" (Y/N) reached her hand out for a shake of Kuroko's approval, in which at the beginning was hesitant, but firmly shook it in the end with a died down smile.

Years have passed since that day, (Y/N) and Ryo both moved on with their lives as a strong couple, even graduation they tried to get into the same college, in which they succeeded. The couple did almost everything together, yes a little misunderstandings or arguments here and there due to jealousy, but that's normal for couples. Many saw the couple as a perfect couple, the shy, timid, self degrading boy who met a strong, independent, caring woman, on a fateful incident. 

Many of their friends are jealous of the encounter, saying its so convenient and romantic, and how they're practically high school sweethearts. Of course as time went by, (Y/N) (L/N) became (Y/N) Sakurai, the two got more and more in love with each other and eventually got married at age 24, being engaged for 2 years, and the wedding was stunning. It was outside, right by a cherry blossom tree, reminding them of the time they met at the end of middle school. The bridesmaids were Riko Aida and Momoi Satsuki, while the

men besides Ryo were Imayoshi Shoichi and Aomine Daiki. Almost everyone who they knew in high school and college showed up, including Kuroko Tetsuya, making it quite a big event, in which the couple didn't mind, for it was a very exciting day for the two. Kuroko wasn't married or dating, but he did become the teacher he's always wanted to be.

The couple waited for another 2 years to have a baby, they weren't necessarily not ready, in fact Ryo was definitely ready for some little (Y/N)'s running around or little him's, but the two wanted a bit more time to enjoy themselves as a couple. 

So here they are now, (Y/N) as a (F/J) and Ryo as a manga artist, who knew he was such an artist? The couple decided to get a small house for themselves and the kid. With the addition of one baby boy named Ryouta who is now 4 years old, whom the two named almost similar to his dad's name due to the similar look. However, Ryouta has more of the personality of (Y/N), which is such a sweet combination.

"Mama! What's for dinner? I'm hungry!" (Y/N) looked down to see little Ryouta tugging on her sleeve as she was reading a magazine on the couch, waiting for her husband to get home. "Ah, well I'm waiting for your daddy to come home so we can a eat together, and decide!" (Y/N) lifted the boy up on her lap and gives him little kisses all over his face making the boy squeal cheerfully. 

Suddenly the front door opened and a "I'm home!" was heard throughout the little house. Little Ryouta squirmed out of his mother's grasp and instantly ran to the door to give his dad a hug, in which (Y/N) as well got up to greet her husband. "Hi Ryouta, how was your day at preschool?" "It was great daddy! I made a painting for you and mommy to put in your room!" "Yay more to add to the wall of Ryouta's art!" 

(Y/N) walked up to her loving husband who swooped up their son in his arms. "Welcome home Ryo." She gave a small peck on the lips in which his cheeks turned a tint of pink and he hugged he both of them in his arms. He gave a small kiss on the cheek to his wife saying "I'm glad I'm home (Y/N)." "How did the meeting go with your editor?" "Normal, we met our deadline though!" "That's a relief.. I was hoping we could spend more time together some time, like a little date of our own sometime this week!" 

"Y-ya we can go out to lunch while little Ryouta is at preschool." "Ryo, we've been married for 6 years, and you're still blushing over things?" "I-I can't help it! You're such a beautiful and lovely wife.." "Mama! Daddy! I'm hungry!" The two were interrupted by their sons sudden plead, the two were two busy off talking with each other. "Ah! You're right! Now that daddy's home we can decide what we want for dinner!" "(Y/N) I can cook if you want." "Ryo you just got home though." "I-I like to cook for you guys though.." "My gosh Ryo, way to take away a woman's pride.." "W-what?" "I'm kidding dear, you can cook if you really want to!" 

With that he nodded and handed little Ryouta over to his mother and gave the two little pecks on the foreheads, before heading off to the kitchen. The family sat at their little round table with 4 chairs and ate a Japanese dish with some mushrooms in it, in which (Y/N) giggled at, thinking back to her high school days when she first thought of him as a cute apologetic mushroom. This earned a confused look from both her husband and child. "Mama what are you laughing at?" "(Y/N)?" "Nothing Ryouta, I'm just thinking of your father." 

At first Ryo was confused, but then figured out exactly what she meant and blushed red. It was now night time, and the little family was snuggled up together, getting ready to tell their son a little story like they do every night, changing the story up every night. "So Ryouta, what story do you want to hear about?" "Mama and I will try our best best to think up of one for you!" "I want to her the story of how Mama and Daddy met!" "Awww... Ryouta.." 

"Well... Ryouta.. Daddy will tell you this story.. It's quite an interesting story I'd say..."

Authors Note

I just want to say it's been quite the journey for me, first story and about 20 chapters? I tried to end it off as smoothly as I could without getting into too much detail ;D the Kuroko ending is also coming up!

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