Chapter 11

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~(Y/N)'S POV~

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~(Y/N)'S POV~

I was awoken to a very loud siren like sound going on and off. "Stupid alarm, so loud" I attempted smacking the thing that interrupted my lovely sleep and finally hit the object. I sluggishly got up and tried keeping my balance on my way to the shower (if you don't take a shower in the morning just ignore it) after getting out of the shower and got dressed I heard my alert that someone sent me a text. "Weird.. Who could it be in the morning? Does Riko need something?" I thought aloud and checked the sender and nearly jumped in the air and squealed!! Ryo texted me!! Such a sweet heart, texting me in the morning! I opened up the text that read:

                                 "I'm sorry if I'm waking you up with this text! I just wasted to say 

                                 Good morning to you and I hope you had good dreams! I... I was

                                Thinking some time we could go out again? Or meet up sometime?

                                Ah! I'm sorry if you don't want to though! Anyway I just wanted to hope

                              For you to have a good day at school, I'm sorry if I sound like a stalker!"

I squeal quietly hugging my phone to my chest, what I can't help it! My eyes randomly glance to the top of my phone-only to see that I'm going to be!! Crap! My inner fan girl so distracting!  I run out the door quickly saying good bye to my parents and then on the train. Panting and wheezing I sit on an open seat that's kind of near the doors. I open my phone once again and reply with "Aww, Ryo you're too good for me~ I hope you had good dreams as well (hoping they're about me~! Just kidding but if you did sweet!) I would love to go on a date again! Dates with you are the best~ Have fun at school too~" hmmm, he's for sure going to blush when he gets this~ I sit back and daze off thinking about how blushy he is and then suddenly jolt out of it once it's my stop. I run my way to school and arrive a bit late but luckily the teacher wasn't in the room yet! "(Y/N) are you alright? You seem out of breath." I look up to see Tetsuya in front of my desk looking at me curiously, like a cute little dog. "We're you running laps or something in the morning?" Bakagami asked me, of course that's something he would ask! "Nah I just ran out of time and didn't pay attention." "As expected of (Y/N), easily distracted" "Aha... You have no idea" I say rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. We're suddenly interrupted by the teacher coming in and yada yada lesson stuff that I don't pay attention to that much. I wonder... Should I surprise Ryo with a visit at his school during lunch? Fufufu~ He'd be so flustered!!


I turn to look at (Y/N) who looks like she's enjoying herself.. She looks completely dazed and.. Perfect.. No snap out of it Tetsuya.. She's probably thinking about Sakurai-kun again... I feel a sudden pain in my chest... I of course have not moved on. Should I ask her to eat lunch with us today? Like she usually does? I just hope it won't be awkward... I mean she did reject me just a couple days ago, I shouldn't push it right? But we did agree to be like we did back then... That just seems a bit.. Out of reach. I notice the teacher look at the desks around me but not mine.. No one can easily see me except for Momoi and (Y/N)... Momoi, I'm sorry, I did hurt Momoi didn't I? I just was never happy with her after (Y/N) ran off that day... 

Authors Note:

It's been like 2 weeks and I feel bad for not updating! Testing is finally over for me so maybe I can update more! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I hope the story is ok... I was kinda debating whether I should to alternate endings ya know? Should I? Cause I usually read stories of Love triangles and then I feel bad for the person who lost (I always go for the second guys tho) and so I was thinking if I should or not?

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