Chapter 16

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~Authors Key~ 

(F/B/P)= favorite band posters or (F/S/P)= favorite singer posters 

I'm sorry if you don't have any favorite bands or singers, so if you don't have either just do favorite interest posters, for example: video games=legend of Zelda (one of my personal favorites( ' ▽ ' )ノ (F/R)= favorite restaurant. I also left your style to you since, well, it's you! 

~3rd POV~ 

It was finally Friday, the day (Y/N) could finally go on her date with her beloved boyfriend without any interferences from Kuroko... Or so she thought. She thought she'd be able to get away from the things that have been happening lately, and of course the thoughts. Poor naive (Y/N) thought that if she spent more time with Sakurai, that she would immediately change back to her old feelings, solidly based on him and him only. Oh how she will be proved wrong, even during the date.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

It was after school and I'm now walking home and after that getting ready for the date with Ryo I have at 5:30pm! It's been so long since I've last seen him, and by long I mean a couple days, but still that's hard for a couple to be away from each other for too long! Or else they start to... Drift... It's not like I don't still love Ryo, no, I still do! But still... There's one problem.. Tetsuya. The more days spent with him, the more these feelings of mine surface. I really have tried avoiding him though! But in which all of those attempts failed.. Ya... From him saving me from tripping because I was too thought clouded, 

To him accidentally being pushed into me and hugging me in the hallway rush. Really, how on earth do you avoid someone whose literally spotted every where to you! And by every where, I literally mean every where! Also I somehow managed to escape him after practice just for today, he asked if he  could walk me home but I immediately replied that I had something come up and that I had to leave soon, and then sped off before he could say anything. Did I feel bad for leaving him there and kind of ditching him without a reply, yes! Do I regret it? No not really. I cannot be late for this date like I was for our first one, way to go (Y/N)! Being late on your first date!! 

I rushed inside giving a quick "I'm home" and then straight to my bedroom I go. I rush to my closet once I enter my room full of (F/B/P)/(F/S/P) and scan through my hangers of shirts and then scan through my pants and dresses. I pause for a moment to choose what to decide, a dress to look cute and impressive, or just casual shirt and pants. After a couple minutes after thinking about it, I once again just decided to go with what I feel most comfortable wearing. After getting ready for my date I tell my parents I'll be out and continue on to the train station. We already planned everything out, like going to my favorite restaurant! I asked him if he wanted to go to his favorite, but since it's Ryo, he

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