Chapter 18

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It was the after noon of November 1st. In  at this time the heroine, (Y/N) (L/N), is in the gym with her team, all practicing for the Winter Cup that was coming up soon. Little did they know that a certain team would come and pay them a visit, nor did they know a little drama was about to be started that would effect the lives of the main characters..

~(Y/N)'S POV~

I blew the whistle, signalling the team to take a short break. Hearing groans and sighs of agreement, everyone made their way to the bleachers or for the ones who were just plain too tired, sat down where they were. I handed out the bottles of water I prepared before in which everyone gave out happy exasperated sounds. 

When I got to Tetsuya though, I pulled out a vanilla milk shake that I got from an extra short stop I made on the way of getting water. In which he smiled up at me warmly, still drenched in sweat. I mean, this is just a friendly gesture since I KNOW his preference, that's what close people are for right? There's not much meaning to it.. Not that I'm favoring Tetsuya, no...

Okay maybe I did, but hey I was just thinking about him! It's because I know his preference, if anyone told me there's I would treat them the same! I think?... 

Tetsuya then tugged my sleeve looking up, might I say adorably, patting the empty side of him, in which I complied without hesitation. "(Y/N) you didn't have to go that far for my sake... Thank you though." At this I smile warmly shaking my head "No no I knew your preference and while I was taking a pit stop I just so happened to come across a vanilla milk shake!" 

He lets out a short laugh and shakes his head "What ever you say (Y/N)." 

~Sakurai's POV~

I couldn't get my mind off of (Y/N) today! That's normal for boyfriends right? I sure hope so! I don't want to be a clingy boyfriend and make (Y/N) break up with me! I hope I haven't already messed things up.. Like the date Friday... She was really... Out of character? I mean not completely cause half of the date she was normal but... I don't know.. Maybe in thinking it over too much! 

Thinking of the date though.. At the beginning when I first entered the restaurant, (Y/N) didn't even notice me.. She was laughing and smiling at her phone.. Was it a friend of hers? Most of (Y/N)'s friends are boys though... (Y/N) isn't cheating on me is she?!... No (Y/N) wouldn't do that. I feel horrible just thinking of that now ugh... 

That Kuroko though... The phantom player I believe? That's (Y/N)'s best friend i think... Was it him who she was smiling so fondly at? Kuroko always seems to send me really dirty glares at any chance he has! He's actually quite intimating when he's angry.. What's even more intimidating is that friend of his! 

"Oi Sakurai! Get your head in the game!" Ah Wakamatsu-senpai! "Hey now, go easily on the guy, he's probably thinking of his girlfriend!" "Imayoshi-senpai!" "Haha, there's nothing to be embarrassed about Sakurai! I got it! Why don't we pay the Seirin team a visit!" "W-well.. I do miss (Y-Y/N).." "Oh my gosh! And then I can visit Tetsuya! Great thinking Imayoshi-senpai!" Oh ya, I forgot Momoi-san liked Kuroko.. I wonder if he feels the same? "Then shall we make this a surprise for the team? They wouldn't see it coming!" At this everyone nodded in agreement.

We arrived at Seirin and got confused looks from the students who were currently at the school for club activities or something else. This made me start to sweat, so many people's eyes were on us! We made out way through the hall to the gym but I told everyone to keep it down so I can surprise (Y/N). We opened the doors slowly and quietly looking through to see what the team was up to

In which they seemed to be on break, because everyone was sitting and drinking water, except for Kuroko, who had a vanilla milkshake. I then noticed (Y/N) next to him talking happily with wild hand gestures. I feel my chest start tightening, is this what jealousy feels like? "Tetsuya!!" Momoi-San broke the secrecy! At the sudden outburst of our manager, everyone turned towards us.

"Eh?!? Ryo?! What are you doing here?" (Y/N) instantly gets up and hugs me for a second, causing me to blush. "I-I just really wanted to see y-you.. I'm sorry!" "No Ryo it's ok, was this supposed to be a surprise?" I nod slightly still blushing at the hug. I glance over her shoulder just for a split second to see he's back at it again! Still sending me painful glares! Does he... Like (Y/N)?... 

I feel my insides start to boil as I clench my fist unconsciously. "Tetsuya! Did you miss m-" "Kuroko Tetsuya! I challenge you to a game of basketball!" Without realizing I yelled that, I instantly felt regret wash over me. What have I done?!? Way to go Ryo challenging a former Generation of Miracles! 

No... I must fight for this, I can't let (Y/N) get taken away, she means the world to me! Like Imayoshi-senpai said, fight for for your girl! Everyone instantly went quiet, even (Y/N) looked at me with surprise and shock. However, Kuroko did not look in the slightest of surprised, in fact he had on a somewhat smirk... Prideful isn't he? "Very well Sakurai-kun... I will not lose to you, nor will I lose (Y/N) to you." 

This guy... She's already dating somebody else! I somehow missed the horrified expression on (Y/N)'s face, but I was too busy burning with determination and anger! (Y/N) told me about what he did in middle school to her with Momoi-san, but since (Y/N) is very forgiving, she tried to look past it, but here he is trying to re break her heart! I won't let that happen!

"Let the game begin Kuroko..."

Authors Note:

The ending has reached! I plan on doing separate legit chapters for Tetsuya and Ryo, like involving their after story ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I'm sorry is it too rushed? I don't know but this chapters also a bit more shorter than normal, also my bad! I was also thinking of the date since I kind of procrastinated on this story so.. Also I haven't really watched Kuroko no Basuke, I only know some bits of the actual anime, but I do know about the characters! So if I get information on the plot on the anime involving games and etc then I'm sorry! ⊂((・x・))⊃

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