Chapter 7

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Hmmm... I'd feel too bad though... I mean she is trying to become friends once more, even though there would be a dent of course but... I don't think I'm THAT desperate for Tetsuya's attention... I think? "(Y/N) it just slipped my mind! Why don't we trade numbers since we're now in touch! Not to mention we're both managers of basketball teams!!~" I said, maybe step one of becoming friends is to try to gain her trust once more? "Eh? Oh sure! Why not! You have a good point there!" She responded looking at me with that big grin that she used to always give me... I kind of wonder.. What it would be like if that whole thing in middle school never happened... Would we be just as close as we were before? Have sleepover every week and constantly call and text each other? I wonder... "Momoi-san you're doing it again" "Ya Momoi snap out of it, you're taking up time" I snapped out of my thinking again, what's happened has happened, I guess we can't go back anymore can we.. "Oh sorry ya know just have been thinking a lot lately" "what a surprise, never thought a beauty like you would need to think for once" "How horrible Riko-chan!!~" "Anyway! Do you want my phone now or...?" "Oh ya of course just give me a second to get out mine!~" as I got out my phone and we exchanged phones I took a brief look at her contacts, just for a second of course and saw Tetsuya as one of her contacts. "Hmmm...." I hummed as I narrowed my eyes at the phone for a second... She already had his number? Not a surprise... "Ok done!" "Ah same!" We have the phones back and looked at the phones for a couple seconds. Then we heard the doors open and heard boys groaning and dragging their feet, looking up to see the teams both sweaty and worn out... Boy Riko-chan sure can be quite the coach~.


Aaahhh... This Riko Aida can be quite tense on the exercising... Does the Seirin team have to deal with this everyday, thinking of that makes me incredibly nervous and even more sweaty than I am from the running! We open the doors to see the 3 females chatting about something. (Y-YN)... I couldn't believe she still remembers me.. After a year! Usually people forget about small encounters like that... B-but her... It kinda makes me feel special AH WHAT AM I SAYING!?! For a split second I turn to look to the side and I spot, Kuroko was his name?, ya I think so, glaring at me, I jump at the sudden sharp glare thrown towards me but he turns to look the other way.. And in a way... He looks like he's looking at (Y/N)...

~(Y/N)'S POV)~ 

I swing my head to look over at the sudden noise, only to be greeted by groaning, sweaty boys who look tired as heck... Man as expected as Riko-senpai, such an admirable coach!! "Ah! Tetsuyaaaa! Welcome back!" I hear Momoi-san exclaim happily in her normal sing song voice as she runs towards Tetsuya. "Momoi-san can you not?" "Eh? Why? I don't mind you being sweaty!" "That's not what I meant" "eh??..." Momoi-san... Just what happened between them two?... Makes me curious.. I never did figure out how it went down but I have a feeling if I were to ask something uncalled for will happen like  bringing up bad memories, or just being nosy in general but it's very nerve wracking for some reason... I check my phone for a second to see its already 5:45pm... Then I glance back up to meet gazes with Ryo, awww was he perhaps looking at me? That makes me feel all fuzzy inside!~ I gave him a wink causing him to start blushing and turn his head to the side mumbling something. "Well! Today was fun! We got to meet the Seirin team a bit more! It's time for our team to go back!!" Momoi-San says earning a couple groans and you can hear "So this was considered practicing with Seirin's team?" They started on their way back, but wait I didn't even get Ryo's number yet! What if we never get back in touch?? This is the perfect chance! I quickly got out a paper and pen and wrote down my number. I sprinted up to him calling his name. He was in the back of the crowd so it was easy to catch up to him, thank gosh. He turned around startled by the sudden yell I made and I stopped in front of him "Y-Y/N)..." "Ryo... Here's my number" "E-EH? IM SORRY" "Just so we can every now and then be in touch ok?~" "E-Eh? O-ok IM SORRY" he said gently taking the paper from me, blushing a bit from the whispers and comments from his friends to the side of him as he was leaving I saw his friends patting him on the back... What a fuzzy feeling~ I stared dreamily at the retreating figures, not noticing the glare.

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