Dye Spain's Hair Pink

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@Ccc8649JaZZz - "I dare you to do this dare again, but do it with Spain. No regrets."


I already replaced one of his tomatoes with a painted red scone.... He might declare war on me or something.....

*waits until Spain is asleep, then dyes his hair pink*

Heh heh, he looks so silly....

*30 minutes later*

Spain. Hey, Romano, can you explain to me why my hair is pink?

Romano. It's because you did something stupid again, bastard.

Spain. No I didn't!!

UK. OH MY GOD, IS YOUR HAIR MADE OUT OF COTTON CANDY?! CAN I EAT IT?! *pretends to try to lick it*

Spain. Oh my god, you demon! What are you doing?! It was you, isn't it?!

Romano. Ew. Bastards.

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