Survive a World Conference Without Quarreling

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@MultifandomArtist - "I dare you to just get through a world meeting without fighting or causing stress."

I'll try, then..

Germany. Each of you, tell me what your dares are, so I know which countries will fool around.

Italy. I'm supposed to-a cuss today!

UK. I don't really have one to do right now, so I'm staying quiet.

China. As if you can stay quiet, aru.

Japan. I'm supposed to wear a skirt, but I'm wearing my business suit over it...

Vietnam. That's....

France. Pfft.

Germany. Anyway, Russia, do you have any ideas on how to stop ISIS?

Russia. Um, we could-

Romano. This is fucking boring, I'm leaving.

Spain. Aw! Romano, stay!

America. Here, doggy doggy!

Korea. Aw, how cute!

Italy. Stay, fucking doggy! :D


Korea. *screams and flails around*

Germany. SHUT THE -------------------!!!!

UK. ...bloody hell.

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