Dance and Sing Hare Hare Yukai

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@Mirayo-sama - "... I dare you to sing Hare Hare Yukai and dance the dance at the next world meeting"

Are you serious?!

Oh, of course you are, but--!!


Germany. .....why did you bring a radio?

UK. W-why do you think I brought one?! Isn't it obvious?! *blushes in embarrassment*

China. Uh oh.

UK. Uh oh is right. *turns on music* nazonazo mitai ni chikyuugi wo tokiakashi-

Italy. Wai~!

UK. *somewhat dancing* tara, minna de doko made mo ikeru ne-

Romano. Please, just turn that off! I didn't come here to listen to fucking childish music!

UK. *pauses music* Just shut up, would you?! I'm trying to complete a dare like the gentleman I am, excuse you.

Japan. I rather agree with Britain-san...

UK. Huh? Really?

Japan. Yes... you sing werr.

UK. *trips in surprise*

America. No he doesn't.

France. True.

Germany. I agree with Japan, but Romano's right. You should turn that off right no-

UK. *continues music* wakuwaku shitai to negainagara sugoshiteta-

Romano. *groans*

When I finally did finish it, America, France, Spain, and Denmark was laughing, and Russia told me to sit down.

I may be wrong, though, but someone in the room may have recorded that...

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