Act Like MultifandomArtist

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@MultifandomArtist - "Act like me."

I most likely did this wrong..... 

UK. Hey, do any of you know where the-

America. Hm? *eating potato chips*

Spain. Where what? *pretending to brush hair with a toothbrush*

Prussia. *struggles to stifle laughter*

Denmark. Man, you should've seen Britain's face this morning!! I drew all over it, and it looked soo funny, plus he-

UK. *throws America, Spain, Prussia, and Denmark outside* If you don't behave, I'll make you eat the worst food you have ever tasted. =_=

America. You're not my mom!

UK. Here, I'll go cook for you.

Spain. Never mind, never mind, just let us back in!!

UK. Do you promise to behave?

Prussia. NEVER.

UK. *throws bucket at Prussia* 

America. Ovo

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