React to Cardverse Hetalia/HetaOni

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@Magnolia0430 - 'If this isn't open then just ignore this, but if not I dare you to react to HetaOni or to Cardverse Hetalia, please~!'

All right. I already saw and know about Cardverse Hetalia (and it's brilliant and amazing), so I'll react to HetaOni (which I never tried and only heard much of).

Note: This game is about 5 hours long. If you don't know what Cardverse Hetalia and/or HetaOni is, Cardverse Hetalia is an AU where the Hetalia countries are rulers of card-based kingdoms (i.e. America is Spade Kingdom's King). 

HetaOni is a fanmade horror game based on another horror game called "Ao Oni," where a group of high schoolers investigate a haunted mansion that end up being risky to their lives. The high schoolers are the Hetalia countries in HetaOni.

I'm going to see to HetaOni by playing it myself. You can watch someone else's walkthough videos here:

This is the final part, unfortunately. There will not be any more parts being released, as the game's creator has dropped HetaOni and is working on new projects. 

I'm honestly surprised I was able to fit so many videos into this part, though! I hope you enjoyed this more than I did.

In my opinion, HetaOni is an okay game. It draws much criticism from me, but it does well keeping the characters' personalities mostly accurate throughout the game (unlike the fandom *coughs*). There's not much soundtrack, nor jumpscares, but HetaOni does have a decent plot. It started out boring, however. I do recommend it to Hetalians who love fantasy, horror, and mystery games. (though it didn't feel like much of a horror game)

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