Chapter 6: L.J and L.C

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Previously on CAGED:

''Hey Chris?'' She hummed in response looking up at me before running her hands through my hair.

''Wanna go on tour?'' She nodded excitedly before kissing my cheek softly.

''Thanks Y/N.'' The confused expression on my face made her laugh slightly.

''For helping me figure it out.''


Your POV:

The sun shined through the windows of the plane when I felt Christina stir awake. We are currently going back to New York for the tour with Lauren and Dani.

''This is your captain speaking, we will be landing soon so please fasten your seatbelts.'' The little speaker said as the light of the seatbelts flickered on. Christina was still laying against me with Lauren on her other side, asleep.

''We're here Chris.'' I whispered pulling her closer as her eyes traveled over the scenery outside. She stared at the sky in 'aw' as the plane started to go down. Lauren screamed waking up Dani in the progress.

''Why are you screaming Lauren? What's happening?'' She asked looking around in panic.

''We're just going down calm down Dani.'' Christina smiled as she turned in her chair to face the youngest sister who was seated behind me. Dani nodded and laid back down.

''Ready to meet my friends girls?'' I asked as they cheered. Christina stayed quiet and looked pretty sad.

I tilted her head up and silently told her to tell me what's wrong.

''What if they don't like me?'' I rolled my eyes.

''They will, they have no choice.'' She chuckled and snuggled her head in my neck.


The plane landed 20 minutes ago and we're currently making our way to the bus as Christina clutched to my side and Lauren to the next. Dani was holding onto Lauren for dear life making me smile. I knocked on the bus as Dinah ran outside hugging me close.

''Y/N, I missed you!'' She squealed nearly breaking my eardrums.

''D, really I've been gone for three days.'' She chuckled and let go of me to face the three sisters.

''Oh hi! You must be the three sisters, Y/N was taking?'' They nodded and quickly introduced themselves. Christina was still a little silent but when I wrapped an arm around her she became more comfortable. We went inside only to come face to face with a red eyed Camila, a frustrated Normani and a worried Ally, but again no Lauren.

''Where is Green eyes?'' I asked looking around the bus.

''She went with Brad and we're worried, she didn't come home last night.'' Wait... what? Ally sighed and sat down before eying the sisters.

''Hi, I'm Ally, I'm mostly the cheerful one but I'm frustrated about Lauren.'' Lauren C looked at me and laughed silently. Dani on the other hand busted out in laughter rolling over the floor clutching onto her stomach.

''Danielle Nicole Cimorelli, control yourself.'' I said making Christina smile and Dani pout.

''Don't ever and I meant EVER call me that again.'' She stood up and pointed her index finger at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

''Dani, Lauren, Christina... Dinah, Normani, Camila and Ally.'' I introduced them when the door flew open. Laughter was heard making Dani turn around and hit her head against L.C's

CAGED (Lauren/You)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz