Chapter 10: Unknown Messages

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Previously on CAGED:

I cleaned her up before sitting up again. She was breathing heavily while holding her stomach.

''That felt amazing Y/n I love you.'' I chuckled and kissed her forehead before placing the covers over her.

''I love you too.''


This was a weird winter in Miami, yep for their tour they are now in Miami.

The dark clouds kept the sun away from shining while small snowflakes dribbled down the sky.

''Oh my god Lauren look!'' Okay, I may seem crazy but I've lived in California my whole life and I've never seen snow.

''It's just snow babe.'' I stared at her in disbelief before opening the tour bus and running outside.

''Y/n, come back you can get a cold!'' She yelled from inside the tour bus. But it didn't car. The snow was falling rather quick and there was already some on the ground. I saw Lauren exit the tour bus and quickly made a snowball.

I threw it at her, hitting her in the shoulder. She jumped and ran over to me. She pushed me on the ground and crawled on top of me.

''What happened to the cold?'' I asked smiling while placing some hairs behind her ear. She rolled her eyes playfully before pecking my lips. The rest of the girls came out of the bus and took a picture.

Soon my phone buzzed telling me directly that Dinah posted the picture on twitter, you weird tweeting Polynesian.

@dinahjane97: Look at these two love birds! #Y/s/n *picture*

I rolled my eyes at the Polynesian before typing away;

@Y/t/n: The fun of being spied on... @dinahjane97

I could hear Dinah laughing while Lauren took her phone too. She was commenting on the picture that Dinah send.

@LaurenJauregui: I love these two idiots! Mostly you @Y/t/n. No offense Dinah. @dinahjane97.

I heard Dinah sigh before I stood up with Lauren in my arms.

''Let's go out with the girls okay?'' Lauren nodded before taking my hand and intertwining them.

We continued walking down the street while I felt my phone buzz again.

@dinahjane97: OTP, so much #Y/s/n @LaurenJauregui @Y/t/n *Picture from above*

I smiled at the picture before showing Lauren who giggled and kissed my cheek.

We entered a restaurant and sat down waiting for a waiter.

''Hello, my name is Luke and I'll be your waiter today what can I get you beautiful girls?'' A fucking flirt, really?

We all gave him our drinks but Lauren was still looking not sure what she wanted yet.

''And you beauty?'' I glared at the waiter but Lauren seemed so oblivious.

''I'll take the same as her thank you.'' She pointed at me before the waiter walked of. I wanted to punch the son of a bitch in the fucking lips for flirting with MY girl.

She placed her hand on my thigh as she saw me becoming mad.

''Calm down babe, nothings gonna happen I love you remember?'' She kissed my cheek making a face eating grin appear.

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