Another Day, More Suffering

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Dear Diary,
I didn't think the bullying would get worse, but it has. I wake up everyday afraid of what might happen to me at school and even at home now. I've started receiving texts from Taylor and her slutty friends about my looks, my personality, my secrets....

I stopped writing. I ripped out the page out of my diary and tossed it in the bin. I can't be too careful in case my mum decides to not trust me like last time and go digging for gold in my diary. I grabbed my keys and wallet then left the house. My mum was surprisingly happy today considering what she has been through, she got dumped AGAIN. I can't tell if she is just a man repellent or just really bad at choosing a good one. Anyways I've got bigger things on my mind, like what horrors I'm going to face today in school from Taylor and her gang. I hadn't yet told my mum or my only friend Lucy (who is the only one who doesn't believe all the rumours at school) about Taylor but she can spot it from a mile away. It's a bit hard to hide something that's on display.

I don't think Lucy cares that much anymore because I have been calling her for the past two days and she won't return any of my calls or even bother to listen to my voice mails or read my texts. I'm getting worried that something has happened to her because she missed school yesterday and I called by her house before school to pick her up but her mum said she had already left (which was weird for Lucy because she never misses time with me in the mornings before school) I got to the school parking lot , parked my car , then braced myself for what hurtful words , arrogant comments and hateful glares I was going to receive when I walked through those doors. I walked in and went straight to my locker before I could notice people talking about me behind my back, I got my English book, then headed to class before Taylor and her gang of sluts could get a chance to corner me and torture me with their hurtful words. I arrived at English class and Mrs.Anderson was wondering why I was so early, I said to her that I wanted to get a head start in the new novel we were all going to read. She handed me a copy and I sat down at my desk, trying not to look up in case anyone peered through the classroom window to make fun of me like usual.

I opened the first page of the novel and already I was bored. Being the victim of all the bullies in school was really starting to weigh down on my shoulders, I wondered how long I could go without snapping. I looked up at Mrs.Anderson as she was walking into the supply closet. I knew this was my perfect time to return the novel and then leave the classroom before I had to suffer anymore boredom. I left the class as quickly as I could trying to make it to the girls bathrooms before I got another rude glare or comment from someone who believed the stupid rumours about me that are spreading around school. I basically ran down the hallway to the girls bathrooms but was cornered by Elizabeth, one of Taylor's slutty friends. She said to me,"Are you going somewhere" then I replied "yes, very far from you"

I had never stuck up against Elizabeth because she was one with words. She could twist, manipulate and lie at an instant, it was like second nature for her, meanwhile I can't even keep a dirty little secret to protect myself. I walked fast in the opposite direction to get away from Elizabeth but only to be stopped in my path by another one of Taylor's sluts, Charlotte. I hated Charlotte with a passion, I wish she would have died in that car crash.


I stopped daydreaming and returned to the horrible reality that is my life. Every way I turned I was corned by another gang member. And then Taylor walked in between the girls and closer to me. She whispered in my ear (as many people were gathering around to see the local beat up session that Taylor had been most keen to do for a very long time) "You are nothing but a dirty, rotten liar, who should burn in hell, And now your going to pay for what you did."

Before I had a chance to reply to her trying to defend myself she had already took off her cardigan and handed it to Charlotte. She was ready to fight and I wasn't. I took a step back wishing I would have stayed in English class but Taylor approached me while loosening up her knuckles and wrists. I thought to myself 'You can beat her' but I wasn't so confident. I shouted at Taylor,"Please Taylor, I don't want to fight you, if you want to talk lets do this somewhere else"

She replied cunningly,"It's a bit too late for that, don't you think? Bitch."
The people in the circle surrounding us were doing very dramatic ooohs and ahhhs that made me blush even more with embarrassment. Taylor kept on talking despite the interruptions," Do you really think I want to talk over what you did to me? You kissed my boyfriend behind my back and then lied about. You don't deserve to be able to talk"
"It was a mistake Taylor, don't you think you've done enough to me already? There isn't one day that goes by when I'm not glared at, talked about and even hit, today's a prime example, don't you think Taylor?" I replied , trying to be as cunning as Taylor was, but failing miserably.

"Oh, now you're really going to get it" Taylor said angrily as she pushed me against the locker and then to the floor. I dropped all of my books and I was watching as they fell to the floor withe a bang. Taylor sat on top of me while restraining my hands from moving. She said to Elizabeth," Take her books and her bag, then burn them"
Elizabeth nodded while ripping my bag from my shoulder and gathering all of my books. I shouted after Elizabeth,"Please don't do this!!" Elizabeth replied," You deserve it, bitch"

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