Death In The Horizon

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I ran for my life but getting very confused as this hell hole looked exactly the same every corner I passed. I saw markings and graffiti on the walls and I realised I was in the towns under ground sewer system. I had been down here before with Taylor when she used to make us do drinking games and then I thought about how confusing it was. Everything looked the same and I was doubtful that I would even be able to find my way out. I picked up my pace getting more concerned by every scream I heard Michael let out. I ran as quick as I could around what I thought was the last corner but just another dead end. I started to panic because I wasn't getting anywhere until I saw some rusty ladder at the end and I let out a sigh of relief.

I bolted towards the ladder until I heard a violent yet painful scream that seemed to be getting louder. Footsteps and gasping seemed to be getting louder. Michael was getting closer. NOW I HAD TO HURRY. I climbed up the ladder as fast as I could, I reached the top but the steel cover was stuck. I was pushing it as hard as I could but it just wouldn't lift up. I screamed in frustration and then more afraid as I saw Michael in wolf form, covered in human blood, ready to rip me to shreds. My anxiety kicked in and now I was terrified. I threw myself at the cover with all my force and it only took one more fit of frustration and anger to get the steel cover open.

I do have to admit I was struggling to lift it as it was quite heavy. Michael was running faster but by that point I was already on the surface, unfortunately on a main road. I closed the cover as fast as I could and I ran off the road before a car could hit me. I knew that the cover would not hold Michael so I made sure to be safe at home before all hell breaks loose and Michael starts slaughtering innocent people in the streets. I knew what road we were on and I ran down the path that lead up to the gardens, where my house was located. I could see it in the distance but it was a good half a mile away and I was doubting if I would make it in time. But I didn't want to waste anymore time thinking, I just had to run. And that is what I did.

I ran all the way down to my house, soaking my clothes in wet mud as I ran for my life. Was it wrong for me to be annoyed at thinking about how my gorgeous boots were ruined in a crisis like this? Probably. But who are you to judge?
I made it to my front door and I slammed on it as hard as I could. My mum came rushing out, worried sick at the state of me. My clothes were soaking wet with dirty mud, my makeup was dripping down my face(especially my mascara) and my hair was drenched in rain water. My clothes were ripped and bloody and I didn't think about what I was going to say to my mum when I returned. And honestly, I didn't think that I would return at all.

I hugged my mum as tight as I could and I started sobbing. My mum said,"What happened to you sweety?" in a concerned voice. I shut and locked the door and the windows. My mum was nearly in tears by just looking at the state I was in. She asked again in an even more concerned tone,"What happened Crystal?" I replied,"Some guy mugged me and then threw me into the sewer system!!! I thought he was going to kill me!!" Which was true and I was technically mugged because I didn't have my car. I just left out a few minor details. If I told my mum Michael and Luke were werewolves, Father was a hunter and that is why he died, Taylor and Luke were plotting my death and I was nearly ripped to shreds but not one but TWO WEREWOLVES!!!! She probably get me a therapist!

My mum run me a bath and cleaned all of the blood of me. She always made me feel better, that was just her in general. Kind-hearted and loving, why did she have to suffer so much? Anyways once i had finished my bath I got straight into to bed and slept off the pain, forgetting about my previous adventures that night as my mind was drowning and happy and peaceful dreams.

I woke up that morning at eight o'clock, which was surprising because I didn't return home until one in the morning. I felt refreshed and curious, and I knew there was something I needed to do. I wanted to go back and check on the aftermath at what happened down in that dump because I was slightly worried Michael might have taken revenge on Taylor and Luke. I got dressed and ready to leave the house, mum was awake in her study like usual. I grabbed my keys and I left. I still had so many questions but I did really want to see what happened to Michael. I travelled back to the sewer system, I waited until all of the cars had cleared off the road and I climbed down the ladders.

I saw Michael lying at the end of the sewer panting and whaling in pain. I jumped off the ladder and I ran to him. He lifted his head up to look at me and he let out a sigh of relief. I put his arm around my shoulder and I managed to carry him the the ladder where I helped him climb up it.  I completely did not realise Michael was naked.......
I couldn't let him walk outside in that so I gave him my coat and he wrapped it around his waist. I told him to climb up and get behind the corner shop and wait for me there because I had to see if Taylor ad Luke were still there. I ran around quickly, starting to understand the routes and I came to the cell. I walked in slowly and I nearly puked at the sight of it.

Luke and Taylor were there but in bits. I guess my reaction could have been worse. There was no point even trying to save them because im pretty sure Luke needs his lower body and I couldn't find that part. As for Taylor, let's just not even go there. I felt a bit bad but what else could I have done? I just had to make sure Michael doesn't do it again. He could tell me more about the supernatural and I could help him through full moons. I had it all figured out, or did I........

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