Conflict And Confusion...

14 2 6

"Michael...?" Are you there?
Walking slowly I passed an old man, lying on the ground, bleeding, dying.
I ran to him but Michael threw me towards the ladders
I hit my head, looking up at him, he was a werewolf.
He ran at me, punching and slashing, until I screamed.................................................

I awoke suddenly, sweating and crying. I felt tears on my face. That dream felt so real. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and checked the time. FIVE THIRTY!!!! Seriously? I have a huge chemistry test today! My pyjamas felt really wet for some reason. I looked down and see a massive puddle of blood on my bedsheets!!! I screamed loud, so loud that my glass of water on my bedside table smashed. I tried to figure out where I was bleeding so badly, then I looked down. I had tons of cuts and bruises all over my face and body but I had a huge cut on my stomach. It looked like it had been slashed with claws.... Maybe my dream was real after all.....?

I ran to my bathroom, pressing on my cut to try and stop the bleeding. I lifted out the first aid kit and I searched for some rubbing alcohol which I knew would clean my cuts and help with the bleeding. I rushed in a panic but I stopped to look in the mirror. My face looked awful, it was torn and bloody. Who could have done this...? Was it Michael? My mum came rushing out and she stared at me with a confused look on her face. She said,"What are you doing? Why do you have the first aid kit out? You are not hurt" I looked at her, screaming inside. Is she blind? My entire face and body was covered in blood and bruises, yet she couldn't see it!" I looked back at the mirror and I realised, I wasn't hurt....
I hallucinated the whole thing. I looked at my pyjamas and there was no blood stains. Confused, I knew I had to make an excuse to my mum. I said "Sorry for wakening you, I thought I had a cut on my leg, but it's fine. You should go back to bed" My mum said"OK.........?" and then walked back to her room still very confused. I looked at myself in the mirror, what was happening to me?

I walked back to my room and looked at my bed, no blood. I was playing the dream over in my head. It felt real, but so did the hallucination.
I got back into bed and I slept it off. I had the same exact dream and then I awoke suddenly like last time. What the hell is happening here?
I brushed it aside, got dressed and I went to the guest bedroom to wake Michael up. I didn't know what to do with him last night so I asked my mum if he could stay here for a few days. Mother was concerned that Michael's parents would not let him stay, but when I told her about his abusive father and helpless mother, she thought it was best. I walked into the room and Michael was still asleep. He was shirtless and I didn't know if I could have walked in or not. So I just knocked on the door and I opened it saying,"Michael get ready school starts soon" but I looked back at the bed again and Michael wasn't there. I walked in and the window was open. I ran straight over to the window but Michael wasn't outside. I started to worry until Michael put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around.

I tried to say,"Michael where were yo-" But he kissed me. A long passionate kiss. I was so surprised but I didn't pull back. I looked into his eyes and we both let out an awkward laugh. He kissed me again and again, we made it over to the bed and then going to school was no longer an option.. I woke up and it was twelve in the afternoon!!!! I needed to get ready or I would miss my chemistry test. I was so lucky to have Michael in my life, he has brought some real trouble but now I realised he is worth it. Michael was still asleep so I woke him up. He had his arm around me and I didn't want to leave the bed but I had to get to school. He woke up and said,"Hey beautiful" I blushed and replied,"It's twelve you, stop trying to seduce me to stay"
He said,"Fine" but laughing and he took his arm off me. I got up and I got my clothes off the floor. Michael kept staring at me and I said,"What are you looking at" again laughing. He replied,"You" He was so cute but if I miss this chemistry test my mum will kill me. I didn't want to leave but I had to. I was now fully dressed and I put my hair in a high pony. I said to Michael again,"Michael get up, you are going to be so late!" He laughed and replied,"So are you"

I kissed him one last time but Michael tried to pull me back into bed but he knew what I would say. I walked out and he said with a cheeky smile,"See you later" He was so flirting. But I was still slightly confused why my mum hadn't noticed I was in school. And I also wanted to know why my best friend Lucy hadn't been in school for the past week. Her mum is super strict, missing school is one thing but MISSING A CHEMISTRY TEST, he mum would kill her. Literally. I took my phone from my back pocket and left another voicemail. I had been so wrapped up in Michael and Taylor that I had completely forgotten about her. I grabbed an energy bar because I had no time to make breakfast. I was about to walk to out the door until I heard things smashing upstairs. I knew something was wrong because Michael would never smash anything. The only violent part of him is his werewolf side to which he can't control.

I grabbed a baseball bat from the study and I walked upstairs with the weapon by my side. I made it to the landing and I slowly approached Michael's room. I hope he is okay. I opened the door afraid of what I might find. I saw Michael lying on the ground. His neck was broken as I could tell by the bruising around his collar bone. I knew he would heal but I still wanted to help him. I ran straight over to him but I couldn't get there because someone twirled me around and held me close to their chest. I was going to scream but they covered my mouth with their hand. They turned me around and it was just Michael. I was going to shout at him but he put his finger over my mouth. He said," They are here for you, be quiet" I was so confused but I was being as quiet as I could. We heard smashes and bangs everywhere. There was more than one person in the house. I was so scared, we needed help now. I could hear footsteps getting louder. Michael brought me over to the wardrobe and stuffed me in it. He said,"Protect yourself and be quiet!" I closed the wardrobe doors and then last thing I saw was the bedroom door get knocked down........


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