New Beginning, New Start...

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I woke up today feeling very happy that I don't have to deal with those bitches anymore. I was also excited because I overheard my mum and this woman with her son talking about them registering into Salem. My mum is the Mayor of Salem so she deals with new comers who want to be registered as a civilian and resident of the town. So the woman that my mum was talking to was saying that she wanted her son to go to Salem High, and he was VERY HOT. But he had mystery about him and I kind of liked it. If he joined my High School every girl in the hallway would be drooling over him, including me. Right from the moment I saw him we kind of stared at each other in interest, but him more than me. If I were to be friends or more with this guy in school Taylor and her gang would have to be nice to me because Taylor would probably want him all to herself.

But I'm done thinking like a liar. It's a new start for me from now on and everything is going to be different. No more bullies, heartbreak or betrayal awaited me anymore, at least I thought there wasn't. I was ready for school and was about to walk out the door until the door bell rung. I opened the door and it was Michael, the new guy I had been dreaming about being friends with. I said,"Hey, um do I know you?" He replied,"I'm sorry it must be weird of me just to show up to your door when you don't really know me. Hello I'm Michael, My mother and I were at your house a few days ago registering into town and your mother said she would tell you to show me around Salem and Salem High, if that was alright with you."

"Oh I'm so sorry I completely forgot, My name is Crystal." We shook hands, his were cold as ice.
I asked him,"Do you want a ride to school? I can help you with your timetable and give you small tour around the place."
He replied,"Thank you, that would be very kind of you," He said this very sweetly.
We had a brief moment when our eyes met and we just stared into each others. His eyes were a steel blue, very light and dreamy.

God! I was turning into into Taylor by the minute!

"Do you want to leave now? We can grab a coffee before school if you want to?" I said, trying to break the awkward silence.
He replied,"Sure" very casually. It felt as if I knew him already because of the way we acted around each other.
I shouted through the doorway."Bye mum!!!" and then closed it. I grabbed my keys and opened our garage door to get my car.

Michael look very impressed at what I was driving. He said he didn't expect me to have a car like that and then I asked him why. He said all of the girls back at him hometown all drove the same type of car, which was a mini. I got into my car and Michael followed. On the way to school I was giving Michael a tour and explaining how Salem High run things. He seemed very interested which I was surprised because my mum is the Mayor and even I get bored of hearing about this place. But he was different than most new comers because around him I had a weird feeling, it was like he knew the town and everyone in it. I cant really explain it but it was just weird....

Anyways I stopped at the local coffee place so we could grab some coffee before we went to school. I parked my car and we both got out heading for the door. He held it open for me (which I have to admit was really cute) I thanked him and we walked in only to see a familiar face of mine. TAYLOR- seriously? I meet a cute guy who is interested and my former bully and her gang of back-stabbing bitches just happen to show up!!

Taylor turned around immediately giving me a glare that could kill. I walked swiftly past her to the next till with Michael-who was slightly confused."Isn't this a wonderful coincidence to see the bitch here girls!" Taylor said rudely. Elizabeth and Charlotte giggled. I replied sarcastically," Talk to me like that again Taylor then I might have to kick Elizabeth's ass-AGAIN" Taylor was quite phased by my reaction,yet confused. She asked genuinely,"what do you mean?" I replied,"Oh you don't remember, when you sent Elizabeth to burn my books that my now DEAD father had given me and the only thing left that I can remember him by?"Taylor flushed with embarrassment when she noticed Michael's presence." And then Elizabeth failed your task and I ended up kicking her ass so leave me alone! Why do you constantly have to torment me! We were friends once Taylor and I have suffered enough of your abuse!Lay a finger on me ever again and I will get you arrested for assault and cyber bullying!"

Taylor now lost that cocky grin on her face and did look worried. She said to me," Is that a threat? because if I were you I would shut your fat mouth before I put my fist in it!!" I took a step back as Taylor had spat at my face multiple times. Taylor was getting two close for comfort and that's when Michael stepped in. He pushed Taylor away from me and stood in front shouting,"I don't know who you are but if you hurt her I will hurt YOU!" his voice getting higher in pitch.

Taylor had lost her appealing look for Michael and now her face had gone sour. She said aggressively,"Whatever loser!!! You are no better than that bitch!" Me and Michael stood down and Taylor walked off in her usual strut that was so cringy it nearly made me gag. Michael turned around slowly and looked at my face in grave detail. He said concerned,"Are you alright" I replied "Yeah, I'm used to it now but she won't bother me again and if she does she will regret it"

Michael nodded in agreement and we walked off preparing ourselves for the days to come...

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