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I heard a cold, frisky voice say,"Come out Crystal! or your little friend over here dies!" I was about to come out of the wardrobe but then I remembered what Michael said. Should I protect myself? Or should I save my true love? It was an obvious answer, I knew he would do the same for me. I hesitated but I opened the door. I walked out and Michael immediately shouted at me,"RUN CRYSTAL AND SAVE YOURSELF" I was so confused. I didn't know why Michael was saying this and who this man is and what he wants. I didn't know if I should stay with Michael or run for it. But deep down I felt it, I was in love with him and he was in love with me. I had to stay and help him, even if I did run I wouldn't get far. I wasn't strong enough nor fast enough to outrun this man. So I stayed and still confused I asked the man,"What do you want?" in a strong voice.

He replied,"You, my darling. I want YOU"
I said annoyed,"Why do you want me? WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT ME!"
He said softly,"For your gift, your power......... I thought to myself what is he talking about? Then I asked him
" He replied cockily,"Oh you don't know?"
"Know WHAT?"
"That you are a banshee........."
I looked at Michael begging for answers.
"What is he talking about Michael?"
Michael, looking pissed off said,"A banshee, also known as the wailing woman, has a scream so loud eyes pop, ears bleed and in extreme cases, it can drive others who hear it to madness. They have an unnerving ability to sense when death is about to happen and they can foretell the future. If their powers are amplified, they are indestructible. They can use their powers to help others, to solve deaths and murders. They can kill like no other supernatural creature that has ever walked this earth Crystal and you are one of them. They are the rarest of them all which makes you an immediate target"

I replied,"WHAT"
"Oh darling you will learn more about what you are soon enough, but for now you are coming with me"
"No! I'm not going with you!"
"Listen, we can do this the easy way as in you come with me without backup or we can do this the hard way"
"You don't scare me"
That was a complete and utter lie. I was terrified of him and what he was going to do to me.
"oh yes I do my darling"
how did he know? I thought to myself
He walked closer towards me and I stepped back.
"Do not be afraid Crystal"
My legs went numb with fear and I couldn't move my body. He walked over to me and pushed my long blonde hair off my shoulders.
"You see Crystal, when I talk I hear your heartbeat rise. That indicates that you are being dishonest, which you are because from the mere sight of me your body has went numb. So let's cut the bullshit, your coming with me whether you like it or not and if you don't I'll just have to rip wolf boys heart out!"
"What do you want with me?"
I wanted as much answers as I could get.
"My boss requires you for a particularly tough spell and you shall be our sacrifice"
"No I won't you pyscopath!"
"If you don't obey I will take you and that stupid friend of yours with me to die so come now and many lives can be spared!"
"I said NO"
He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me towards the door. I tried to fight back but he was too strong. I heard Michael shout,
"If you take her to them I will rip you to shreds!"
This man accepted Michael's offer, threw me into the bathroom and locked the door.
I screamed for help but he said,"If you try to fight it you will only make it worse so stay in there and shut your mouth!"
He was going to try and kill Michael I had to do something. I searched the bathroom for any sharp object but all I could find were scissors. It would hurt him but it wouldn't buy us enough time to escape. I heard Michael scream and I knew I had to act quick. Still I thought in my mind what is he? and what does he mean by a spell? Do witches exist? I pushed the thought to the back of my head. I grabbed my curling iron and I smashed the window. I looked down but it was too high of a jump, I would die if I even tried. But our house was very textured as in there were small lines that out lined the whole building. I had enough foot room to climb down it but it was a long shot. I heard another scream from Michael and I knew it was worth a shot. I got out of the window, slowly working my way down. I didn't want to look down so I tried to climb as fast as I could. I was about three metres from the ground now but my foot slipped and I plummeted towards the earth. I came down with a crash that took the wind out of me. I stared hyperventilating and was struggling to breath. My back and spine ached with pain but I knew Michael would be died in seconds so I picked myself up from the ground and I limped towards the front door.

I made it to the door and I rushed in only to see the man throw Michael down the stairs. I ran over to him only to see him lying at the bottom, lifeless. I started to sob but the man started to approach me and said carelessly,"Stop being such a drama queen, I didn't kill him the fall just snapped his neck, he will be up in a few hours. Which buys us time to complete this sacrifice without any complications"
I was so annoyed, every instinct and nerve in my body told me to scream. But if I did it would kill Michael.

I got up from the ground and I said,"I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU TO BE KILLED SO YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!"
I ran for the door but then the man somehow teleported from the top of the stairs to the door before I could reach it. I screamed but not that type of scream, just in terror. I ran towards the kitchen to grab a knife but the man teleported again. He punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. My nose began to bleed and I shouted,"WHAT ARE YOU!"
He replied,"A vampire my darling but don't you worry about that now. We have a lot of work to do" He stroked my hair and it disgusted me. Was this pyscopath seriously hitting on me? I thought to myself when a wave of sickness fell over me. I tried to crawl away but the man grabbed me by the feet and yanked me towards him. He lifted me up and tied my hands together. I fought and fought but it was no good. I started shouting and trying to get away until the man got pissed off. He lifted me up and threw me onto the kitchen table which then collapsed.
The lights went out and all I could remember was darkness............

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