The Sacrifice.........

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I gained consciousness again and opened my eyes to my complete and utter hell! I was strung up like a piece of meat, the witches throwing several things at me, making jokes and worst of all laughing at me. I always hated when people made me out to be a fool, which I was far from. I heard the bitch witch shout,"ENOUGH, the sacrifice must commence, i'm getting impatient". All of the witches torturing me backed off like scared wolves, which kind of amazed me. A few seconds ago they were acting like cocky, arrogant shits and when the bitch witch barks one order they immediately backed off. It shows how much control she has over them, honestly there is no way for me to escape because if even attempt it I will probably have my eyes scratched out by these psychopaths.

The witch approached me and untied me. I was surprised that she just let me out but then she grabbed my wrists and put on some spell that restricted me from moving them. I thought that would be my chance to escape but she probably saw the glimmer of hope in my eyes and couldn't wait to crush it. She whispered in my ear cockily,"I don't think so" I rolled my eyes and she dragged me into a room that was on the underground floor and threw me on the ground hard. I looked around in awe, there was so many symbols, potions and herbs I lost count. She shouted viciously,"I'm going to fetch one of my witches to perform the sacrifice, if you dare move or touch ANYTHING, I will make sure your last few breathes of life are painful ones. So shut up and don't move"

Once she slammed the door behind her I immediately got up from the ground and tried to find an escape. I saw a vent but it was too high plus my hands were tied by invisible rope behind my back , if I was to escape I wouldn't get far. So I thought of a plan, I was going to wait until she was about to sacrifice me (my hands would be free) and stab her in the heart. But I needed something to kill her with. I looked around the room for anything I could use and I found a dagger on the top shelf. How the hell was I supposed to get that? I thought to myself, fury an anger building inside of me. I swung my long leg up and it just about got to the top shelf and no more. I jumped trying to push the dagger of the side. A searing pain was rising underneath my thigh and it was starting to cramp. It took one last struggled jump and the dagger flew off the shelf. I just managed to catch it and I stuffed the dagger in my back jean pocket and pulled my shirt lower, trying to make it less obvious. I heard footsteps getting louder and I knew the bitch witch was coming. So I ran back to my previous spot on the ground,trying to mimic the way I initially fell. I succeeded just in time before the queen of the witches and one of her own entered the room.

The queen said to her witch,"Her is the banshee that is needed for the sacrifice"
The witch replied,"Are you certain she is a banshee"
"Almost certain, we have been watching her for years and she does possess the mysterious qualities"
"Can I do a quick test on her?"
"But my queen, we only have one shot at this spell, if she is not a banshee then there will be no sacrifice and the spell will have failed. That means you won't gain the power that you desire"
The queen hesitated for a moment, but finally gave in.
"Fine run a few tests, but I want her and all my witches including you, to survive. So be careful or you might end up like poor Lucius"
The witch trembled with fear at the thought of a death like Lucius and replied,"You can trust me my queen, I will not fail you."
"I hope not"

The queen left and I was stuck with the psycho witch. Her head shot around to me immediately and she gave a a daring grin. I said to her,"What tests are you going to run?What are you going to do to me? with a trembling voice.
"Oh just a few minor tests, first of all I need your blood, second I will need to go through your mind and see if you have had any hallucinations, unusual dreams, those sort of things. And the third..........Well we will get to that later. She lifted the spell that bounded my wrists together and dragged me over to a sink. Well it looked like a sink, but I think it was some sort of miniature whirlpool. She grabbed a knife from the top shelf and I flinched with fear in case the dagger that I beared was needed. It wasn't thankfully and the witch returned to the whirlpool. She used to knife to slice her hand and then mine. The pain seared from my hand to my shoulder.

I then took my hand out of her grip and wiped it on my shirt. The cut wouldn't stop bleeding and it was getting really annoying. Once our blood was in the whirlpool the witch started to concentrate on the spell. She started shouting the words louder and louder, I then felt an unbearable pain surge through my head. I screamed,"STOP STOP, PLEASE STOP" The witch gasped from loss of air and suddenly my pain started to ease. She was struggling to breathe but then it steadied out, as did mine. She picked me up off of the ground and thew me violently onto the bed. She approached me and looked me in the eyes and then wrapped her hands around my head.

I couldn't think, see or smell. It was like my life flashed before my eyes. Memories started pouring in from my childhood, personal ones like with my father before he died. My heart started racing and I was losing a pulse, my breathing became heavy and I felt a wave of sickness fall over me. Then up came my teenage years and my dreams and hallucinations before I was kidnapped. I started to see blackness and the memories started to fade and then the witch removed her hands, leaving my mind. We both were lost for breathe but her more than me. She started to hyperventilate on the floor and I saw this as an opportunity. If I were to stab her in the heart right now then there would be no witch to perform the spell, meaning I don't die. So if the bitch witch isn't here she can't do anything about it, I would kill this witch then escape through the vents. I thought it was worth a shot.

I stood up and glared down at the witch on the floor. I removed the dagger from my back pocket and approached her, readying for attack. She spotted the dagger and tried to crawl away but she couldn't get far. I lunged the dagger into her back, aiming for the heart. She let out a small scream but it slowly faded, as did she. The blood started to pour, forming a puddle round her body. I stood up and watched her take her last breathes. I felt so bad inside but then I thought about how this witch was going to sacrifice me to give her queen power, and then the guilt disappeared.

I left her corpse and ran over to the vents. I couldn't climb up so then I grabbed some pillows off of the bed and stacked them on top of each other. I pulled off the vent cover and I climbed in. It was a tight space but I wasn't that big so I was able to get through. I crawled down the vents until I took a left and saw that it was right above a fire door. PERFECT! I thought to myself. But then I heard voices, opening the cover again and looking down, I saw I was right above the witches. They must have came here in case my scream killed them.

I completely forgot. My scream COULD kill them. What if I jumped down right now and I screamed? Maybe they would all die. It was my only option, there were witches everywhere. I could never escape, I was cornered. So I jumped down and hit the ground with a thud. All of the witches turned their attention to me, laughing and amused as they thought they were going to get to torture me again. But little did they know, their fate was going to be much worse than mine............

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