Revenge is Sweet but You are Bitter

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I thought after all we had been through together, I had a very small glimmer of hope that he would trust me and believe me, but I thought wrong. A few weeks later Luke texted me and told me to meet him at a small restaurant named The Colin Grill in Town. I replied and asked what time we would be meeting up at and Luke replied saying to meet him at the back of the grill at 8:30. So I got ready, making a very big effort to try and look pretty, I grabbed my keys and left my house. I got into my car and drove to the Grill, I got out and walked into a dark alleyway that was behind the Grill only to find Luke and Taylor making out with each other. Luke said to me,"You were too late Crystal, I've moved on so please don't call me, text me,or even look at me! Just forget about me! Because I already forgot about you"

Those words stuck in my head and haunted me every time I closed my eyes. I immediately ran away from Luke and Taylor and got into my car. I burst into tears at the thought of my best friend dating someone who hates me just to make me jealous and to prove a point. I was done with all of them, especially that back-stabbing bitch Taylor.

More weeks later and still, I was avoiding anyone and everyone who had even the slightest connection with Luke and Taylor. I hated them both but I hated more the fact that they would be together. Luke hosted and party that night and sent me an invitation. I immediately rejected the invite and moved swiftly on but somehow my new best friend Lucy had convinced me to go, to prove a point to Luke that he can throw as many punches as he likes but I would always get back up from the ground.

I made sure that I looked fabulous before I left my house. I wanted to make a serious impression on all of the males at the party and Luke, to show him that I don't miss him and my life is perfectly fine without him, which it wasn't, but he didn't need to know that. I arrived at the party with immediate stares and popular guys drooling over me. I walked in to find Luke and Taylor dancing VERY inappropriately. As soon as Luke noticed me he stopped dancing. Taylor was clearly pissed but that's kind of what I wanted. Luke walked over to me and told me to meet him at the back of his house so we could talk. I completely shut him down and told him I don't need him anymore but he practically begged me and I couldn't resist. I said yes, my first mistake.

Once Luke had convinced Taylor there was nothing going on between him and I he met me at the back of his house. I rudely snapped at him,"What do you want?" He replied,"This" and leaned in for a kiss. I didn't even try to stop him, my second mistake. But just as soon as I knew I was making a bad mistake Taylor caught us red-handed and was out for revenge ever since.

Back to reality...

Elizabeth said to me,"I was never brainwashed Crystal, I chose to stop being friends with you and Taylor had no part in that. So before you go heading down memory lane I want you to know that even if I was brainwashed by Taylor and her gang, it wouldn't have made any difference because i'm finally popular , but your the one who is criticizing me about my choices and yet everyone in school hates you. I think you need to rethink your choices before you come attacking mine.

Elizabeth had pushed my buttons too far and now she was going to pay for it. I ran at her and lunged on top of her. It was obvious I took her breath away because she wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from me at all. I punched her and smacked her until her lip was busted and her nose was bleeding."She screamed at me,"YOU COWARD, YOU CAN'T EVEN FACE UP TO TAYLOR AND YET YOU ARE ATTACKING ME!!!!" She kicked me off of her and jumped on top of me. She threw a few punches but I narrowly avoided them, I elbowed her in the stomach making her gag and I threw her off of me. I stood up then jumped on top of her, I restrained her arms and sat on top of her so she would stop squirming. I shouted at her,"If you don't do what I told you earlier we can have a rematch and then I will really show you what I'm made of. Oh and if you mention this little fight to anyone you will get it twice as hard next time.


I had never stood up to bullies in my life but it felt good to get all of the anger off my chest. I finally felt relieved that not so much was weighing down on my conscience. I took one last look at Elizabeth on the ground and thought to myself,"Finally, those bitches will leave me alone from now on."

I watched as Elizabeth got up from the ground and walked to her car, I was about to leave but then I thought,"Why not just finish the job"
I got out of the car and ran at Elizabeth, kicking her in the stomach. It felt good after months of torture to finally get revenge. Life felt good again, it felt as if I could really live again. I watched as Elizabeth crawled into her car and I said to her,"You deserve it bitch. Oh and don't forget to return my message to Taylor and her gang, won't you?" Elizabeth gave me a rude glare and said with vengeance,"This isn't over" and then drove away. I returned to my car and drove back to school without a scratch one me meanwhile Elizabeth will have to try and ditch school without anyone noticing, clean herself up and tell Taylor about what she might do to Taylor and her gang if they don't stop bullying me. "Wow, this is going to be a fun year,"I said to myself.

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