The Bitch Witches.......

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I awoke abruptly as I felt a sudden shake. I adjusted my eyes to the light by blinking and rubbing them, only to realise I was in a trunk. A fucking trunk. I slammed on any surface I could find only to hear a familiar voice shout,"Shut the hell up or I might have to knock you out again if you keep up the attitude!!" I snarled in response as I was lost for words. It came to my attention for the first time that my hands and feet were wrapped in tough rope which restricted me from moving. I had no idea what time it was, or what DAY IT WAS POSSIBLY! Maybe i'm over exaggerating but if i'm going to die in some hocus pocus sacrifice I might as well go in style.

I hammered on the trunk yet again but this time the man started to speed up and I flew to the back of the trunk with a thud and then he slowed down dramatically and I flew to the front again with an even worse thud. If I live through this he will be the first one on my hit list! My head and back ached and my feet and wrists were sore and blistered from the ropes. I didn't know how many moments had gone past but for me it felt like an eternity. We suddenly stopped and my heart started to race with fear and dread of what I horrors I might have to face. The trunk opened and I saw the asshole that kidnapped me. He grabbed me by the wrists and dragged me out of the car, since I was lying down it was quite a struggle to get to my feet.

The man didn't hold back and wasn't gentle with me at all. We approached a massive, luxurious sky scrapper. I have to admit I was extremely surprised to see my last moments in this luxury, in my mind I thought I was just going to get sacrificed outside a disgusting bar filled with alcoholics and drug addicts and then threw into the sea to rot. Either way I knew there was no escaping my fate. But I hadn't lost all hope just yet, there was a small little in cling of hope inside of me that knew Michael would come to rescue me. Who knows? I could have been knocked out for hours so Michael could be looking for me right this second.

The man continued to drag me as if I was some lapdog until I shouted,"Get the hell off me I can walk myself if you didn't know!" He replied with a disapproving nod,"Have it your way, either way you will be sacrificed so do not play any tricks or mind games to escape your death because believe me my darling, you won't" I ignored his repetitive threats and continued walking.

We finally approached these huge metal doors, the man spoke into the speaker and we were let through. We entered this grand reception area with a lot of people. They all immediately turned all of their attention to me. Many gasped but the man informed then that I was a criminal who had to face my deserved punishment. They all believed his stupid lie, I didn't dare say a word in case he chopped my head of or something.

He gave the receptionist a ID card and the man asked him for his name. He replied,"Lucius sir, the name is Lucius"
We were then escorted to a lift, all the eyes had gone away and my attention had faded. It really amazed me how gullible some people were, just to be told one lie and immediately believe it. That small glimmer of hope in me had faded and I just came to terms with my death. Lucius hit the very last button and we went downwards. The doors finally opened and again all attention was on me, but this time it wasn't humans, it was power hungry witches crowding around he like I was a piece of meat. They all started to laugh in delight at my kidnap and the thought of my death.

I looked around and all I could see was what looked like dead bodies, herbs and blood everywhere. AND I MEAN EVERYWHERE. If this is my fate then I will be so pissed. I am not going to be used as leverage in a stupid spell to which I had no previous involvement in. No fucking way am I going to die at the hands of some stupid witch with a thirst for power. I was not going to be used like a toy and then threw away when they are done playing with me. If I truly am going to die tonight, I am going put up a fight and they for sure aren't taking me easily.

But I needed the right moment to attack, if I did it now it would just ruin my chances. So I played it cool and walked with Lucius to a throne. A gold, diamond and emerald in crusted throne, so bright and grand my eyes hurt to even look at it. And on it sat a beautiful women, with hair as smooth as the sea and face as beautiful as the ocean. I was jealous at her astounding beauty but I wasn't that ugly myself. I have to admit, if this is the witch that will sacrifice me I am going to be so annoyed. She looks so kind yet she would shed innocent blood all for power, well at least I thought it was power. I wasn't actually informed on what spell I was going to die in. I assumed it was power because when Michael was telling me what a banshee was, he said people want to use them for their gift.

Lucius spoke,"My queen, I have brought the banshee that you requested"
"Thank you Lucius, you are so kind but you have to go, I don't want anyone knowing I have her so have fun rotting in hell"
She tilted her hand slightly and two of the witches from the crowd came out and killed him in an instant. I was shocked at the hatred inside of her, so proposing a deal wasn't an option to survive. My only other option was to try and escape, if I got killed at least I would die fighting. I was speechless as I watched Lucius take his last breath and then die. My heart was now racing even faster.

The queen of the witches said to me,"Now banshee, what is thy name?"
I replied,"Crystal" in a shaky voice.
"Nervous are you" she said softly, yet intimidating.
"Not at all, I was just knocked unconscious, stuffed in a truck, drove all the way to some hotel and then brought before a crowd of power hungry witches to then be sacrificed in some hocus pocus spell!" I shouted in frustration.
She gave me a glare that would kill and I replied sarcastically,
"I'm perfectly fine"
"I would watch your mouth if I was you!"
"Or what?!"
"I will make sure your death is slow and painful, and then I will laugh with my people as we are granted the powers of the wailing woman, all the while you will be rotting in hell and will cease to exist"
I lost the tough girl act and I started to well up.
"Scared now?" She said with confidence.

She did another tilt of the wrist and more witches came out of the crowd. I felt the air being knocked out of my lungs as they threw me against a wall. The witches laughed again as I was struggling to breath. I was threw against another wall and this time I heard something snap. I yelped in pain, scoring another laugh from the bitch witches. They kept on torturing me until the last thing I remember was darkness..............................

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