Past, Present and Future........

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My scream was loud, too loud. How I didn't blow my own brains out I will never know. For once in my life I felt power, I felt control. I heard glass shatter , screams of horror and ear drums pop. I saw the witches all drop to the ground, lifeless. Something in me erupted when I screamed, every bad feeling and every bad memory had just come out. I didn't feel remorse, nor guilt. Just power. I saw all of these dead witch corpses on the ground and I felt nothing. My heart was black, my skin was cold.

I didn't want to feel like this, it was like I was in a trance that I couldn't escape. My own thoughts were too much to bear. I felt like every good thing that had ever happend to me was just ripped away in an instant. I couldn't take this pain, this anger. I didn't know what to do or say, I was a mass murderer. Literally. But these people weren't innocent, they were killers too. In fact they were worse than killers, they had it coming for them. That still doesn't make a difference in what I done.

I stood up and approached a near by witch. I wanted to make sure I killed them before I classified myself as a serial killer. I bent down and turned the witches head to the side and all I saw was blood. Everywhere. It was coming out of their ears, eyes and mouth.

I grabbed her wrist, searching for a pulse and thankfully not receiving one. I got up and ran for it, not looking back for a second. I was running faster than usual, my breathe not hitching in the slightest. I ran for the elevator I was forced to use earlier and pushed the button as hard and as fast as I possibly could. The doors opened and I ran in pressing the level of the exit. I got to the floor of the exit and everyone in the reception glared at me. All of them walked slowly and in-sync with each other, it was actually kind of creepy.

They all spoke at the same time,"the woman who bears the gifts, shall be the one who is sacraficed" Taking in all of there words a shiver ran down my spine. Fear was the only emotion I was feeling now. I knew these people had been the victims of Lucius, but how could he have done this? Was he really that powerful?

I brushed these thoughts aside and I tried to think of an escape but nothing was coming to mind. All I saw was these people approaching me and I couldnt concentrate on a plan. The only thing I could do was to try and run through all of these people. So I pushed past all of them and every person I pushed got extremely angry and started chasing after me.

I knew I was screwed, but I ran on looking for the exit. I turned corner after corner until I finally saw light and knew I had found the exit. I ran for the doors and pulling on the handle but it wasn't opening. I turned around I saw everyone getting closer, determination and fear was pumping through my veins. I was getting more scared every footstep they took, struggling to open the door it finally opened.

Fresh air hit my face, turning around to look at those people and I just saw them turn around with disappointed looks on all of their faces. I assumed they weren't aloud to leave, hoping I was right. I saw tons of people walking past, all of them staring at me slightly confused.

I completely forgot I was a mess, covered in sweat and blood I couldn't blame all of the confused stares I was receiving. I looked around at a busy street helplessly, wishing I was back in that bed with Michael. Warmth and fun thoughts graced my head and I couldn't help but smile. That moment of happiness suddenly faded when I soon realised what situation I was in.

I stopped a near by walker and asked her, "sorry to bother you, but where is...... here? "
She looked extremely concerned but replied bluntly,"New York dumbass"
She quickly walked on muttering," people these days"

I rolled my eyes at her response but panic crossed me as I realised I was in New York..... How the hell was I to get back? I am more than screwed. I walked down the street looking around for a bathroom to clean myself up in but not succeeding.

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