A Bump In The Road

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Michael and I walked into school and there was a jaw dropping reaction from everyone as they say someone like me with someone like Michael. I had went from the girl who was liked by no one but was now the girl hated by everyone for the right reasons. Michael asked me out of curiosity,"Is there really this much bullies at this school?" I said truthfully,"There are a lot of bullies but most people just believe rumours and lies that spread around" He replied,"So that girl is like......a.....mean....girl....?" I was amused at how mobile and humble he was. I replied,laughing harder,"Yes!! That's Taylor and the 'cool gang' is made up of Charlotte Branning and Elizabeth Walsh. They are like her sidekicks and obvious bullies as well but we all were friends once" He replied confused"You were friends with her....?" I laughed,saying softly,"I guess I kind of fell for her charm and wanted to be a part of the group but I just couldn't bring myself to bully another, it just seemed wrong to me"

He asked on,with concern in his voice,"So they didn't want to be friends with you anymore because you wouldn't bully an innocent person for no good reason?" I looked at his face and did a slow and painful nod. "I really do have to get used to this school don't I?" said Michael with a hint of laughter in his voice. I replied,"Yep" and then we walked down the school hall preparing for what awaited us in those classrooms.

I brought Michael to the guidance councillor's office so he could pick up his timetable. Surprisingly we had nearly all of the same classes which was convenient for me if I did go out with him. We left the guidance councillor's office and Michael and I walked to math class. Once math class was over Michael asked me for my number and I obviously gave it to him. I walked him to his next class as I had a different one and he thanked me for everything I had done. I said it was no big deal and all he needed to do was to tell me if he needed anything else. He walked into his classroom and said sweetly,"Call me" I flushed and replied,"Sure" trying hard to sound casual. I walked to my class with butterflies in my stomach wondering if he would ask me out...

School was over and I saw Michael at his new locker and I approached him and tried to make conversation. I asked him if he needed a ride home and he refused which I thought was quite weird. He seemed very tense and on the edge now and he was quite agitated. I thought nothing of it and got into my car to drive home. I took a back road because there was too much traffic on the main road and I suddenly noticed that my radio started freezing and then turned off. I was confused because I had took this road before and I can usually get signal. I drove on until my engine conked out and my

car stopped in the middle of the road. I was getting quite nervous now because I just recently got my car fixed until I read the petrol tank and realised it was nearly empty. It really shouldn't have run out yet because I still had a bit of petrol left but what else could it be?

I got my phone out to try and call a tow truck but I had no signal. I got out of my car and checked my tyres for punctures just in case they had any. As I assumed they had none so I went over to the car door to get in but it wouldn't open. It was jammed and I was trying my hardest to open the door but it just wouldn't open. I started to panic and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt a hand touch my arm. I didn't want to turn around but at that point I had no choice because the hand grasped my arm and pushed me onto my car. I looked at an unrecognisable face and screamed in fright at this random man trying to hurt me. He quickly grasped my arms together and tied them up with rope. I was screaming for help but he put his hand over my mouth and my voice no longer would help. I twisted and turned, gasping for breath until the man slammed my head against the car window, it smashed and the rest as just a blur.

I awoken gasping for breath, my head sore and bloody and I felt a wave of sickness fly over me. I tried to sit up but noticed the chains on my wrists and ankles. I was kidnapped!!!!!!!! I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes and saw a familiar face only a few feet away. IT WAS MICHAEL!!!!!!! He was in chains too but he looked really sick and had tons of bruises on his face and body. He was lying there sweating and he looked really anxious. I shouted over,"MICHAEL!!!!!!!" He turned around to look at me and he said,"Crystal you have to try and get out of here" I said in confusion,"WHAT ABOUT YOU????" He replied with a hint of anger in his voice,"BECAUSE CRYSTAL I'M GOING TO TURN!!!" I screamed back,"WHAT DO YOU MEAN....TURN???"

A werewolf......? I had always been superstitious but I never believed any of the tales told. I remembered one about a werewolf, they turned on a full moon and had huge claws and fangs. But it wasn't a full moon??? Until I looked up and realised it was pitch black. I was stuck in a dingy cell with a........werewolf........who might potentially kill me?
The bright and white full moon illuminated the sky like a beacon.
............I realised it was the spring equinox tonight..........

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