New Powers

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It's been 3 years since the Shadow People. There are still some left, but we killed their king, Ian Hulnick, so their forces have thinned. I haven't heard from Dylan in almost a year. And now there are more creatures after me. Only, these ones aren't darkness; they're light.

In my time off, a shadow attacked me, so I killed it, but it appeared to be a spy for the light. The commanders need to tell their soldiers these things. I've been running from the light since then, but they haven't rested yet. I commandeered this ship from a fleet of shadow people. And by commandeered, I mean stole the ship and killed the crew. But I did something in the process to help me in the battle against the light. I may have stolen some shadow powers.

BOOM! I hear something on the ship explode, leading me to believe that they have boarded. I sprint down the long, dark corridor, the smell of sulfur in the air. Just then, a ball of lightning flies past me, exploding on the wall. I duck behind a wall just out of sight.

"Zach! Where have you gone?" the creature shouts. "We know you're here somewhere! Surrender and your death will be painless!"

Never... I think in my head, knowing full well that I don't stand a chance.

I take out my bow and step out of the corner, but there's nothing there. Instead of creatures, there is a person, and a person I know well.

"So, Dylan, You switched to swords?" I inquire.

"You know it. But, don't hate me for this, but I switched to darkness," he replies, slightly worried, attaching the pommels of his swords together to create a bowstaff.

I teleport behind him and whisper, "Well, we need to get off this ship, now. That's why I took mine."

He turns around, and I am nowhere to be seen. He looks around the room. Nothing. All of a sudden, I emerge from the darkness of the room, my eyes glowing red. Dylan's head almost hits the ceiling.

"Dude! Will you ever stop doing that?!"

"Sorry," I say, laughing my head off. "It's more fun to scare you with my new powers than to just show you them."

"Oh, the things I could do to scare you with mine," he mutters, and he's gone.

I start walking around the ship to see if there are any more creatures, but after a while, I realize that I'm not the one controlling my body. After the thing inside of me realizes I know what was happening, it starts sprinting to the engine room. When we arrive, I'm standing on the edge of a deep, dark hole. It starts teasing me, swinging my leg back and forth over the edge, making my body tip over right next to the hole. What happens next, the creature probably didn't expect. I lose my balance, and fall in.

As I fall, I notice that I am in complete control of my body again, and I dissolve into the darkness. Before appearing back above the hole, I take out my bow, and form demon wings. I appear right behind the possessor, and aim my bow at him. I am surrounded by a dark mist, and my eyes are glowing red again, as they do every time I use the shadows. As I'm about to fire my arrow, I realize that it was Dylan, fulfilling his promise.

"You've got to be kidding me," I gasp, flabbergasted.

"That wasn't supposed to happen I swear!"

"Oh, really?"

I copy myself until Dylan is surrounded by, well, me.

"Are you sure?" we ask. The room becomes darker, and soon, mine and my copies' eyes are the only things Dylan can see. But then, there is only one of me, but when the darkness clears, it's not me. It's Dylan.

"Possession is a pretty cool power, of course, but can it really beat wings, teleportation, and illusion?"

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