The Final Boss

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As we walk through the hallway, Mamzcinski starts acting up, and starts speaking strangely quickly.

"So Zach," he begins," what do you plan to do when we win? Are we gonna win? Are you going to mourn Sabrina and Dylan when we get back home?"

"Calm down, Michael!" I say, hoping to stop him. "Talk slower."

"But I can't! I'm so excited for this battle. I can't wait to meet this Nathan guy. He sounds great."

"Michael, you've met him before. Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Something is very wrong."

"What is it then?"

"You're still alive!"

He sprints at me, holding out his knife. Before he lands a strike, I deflect it out of the way with my sword. "Snap out of it, dude! You're gonna kill me!"

"Well, you see," he continues, still talking at lightning speed, "that's the whole point. I'm ending your suffering before you fight Nathan. I hear he's really awesome. I hope I get to meet him and join his army someday."

Nathan you pretentious little ass, I think to myself. I throw my sword and launch a barrage of lightning at the same time, all of which hit Michael. He falls to the ground, groaning.

"What happened?" he grumbled.

"He got to you. Just as I thought he would. He'll get to all of us."

Just as I finished speaking, I looked into the darkness to see two pairs of pure white eyes looking at me.

"You know it's against the rules to use one of my own people, Nathan!"

"Oh, sorry," he replies from the darkness. He brings a hand up, and the walls light up with bright white light. "I got a request."

"You heard him..."

"You got that right. You know, it's rude to talk about someone who's listening."

"I'll kill you where you stand."

"Will you now?"

"I know I will!" All of a sudden, what I can swear looks like Crimson Slaughter lands in front of him. He brings his arm up and fires a laser.

"I thought you died!" says Nathan, genuinely confused.

"I did," Crimson replied. "And so did I." His form starts to ripple, and Evan appears, firing a fireball at him. Without a second thought, I set up lightning sentries at the entranceway. In seconds, I hear A.J. running from the distance, and the sentries go off, killing him. Evan's form starts to ripple, and Elizabeth is in his place, holding her scepter out.

"May I ask what just happened?" Bullseye inquires.

"That's my power," Elizabeth replies. "I can shapeshift into any deceased human being. But the thing is, if they died within the past month, they come back to life. That's why Zach set the sentries up. To kill A.J. when he showed up."

"What about Evan then?" Morrow asks.

"You Michael incinerated him. Remember?" I answer.

"Oh yeah."

"Back to the task at hand," Shapeshifter says. But when she faces back to Nathan, he's gone.

"Where'd that jerk-" She stops abruptly, like something startled her. "Get out of there, Nathan. Don't you dare-"

"Nathan, get out of her head!"

"Howabout no." Nathan calls forth his army, and runs away into the shadows. "Killthem."

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