Deuil Interrompu

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I run over to Sabrina's lifeless body, tears streaming down my face.

"Sabrina..." I kneel down next to her, swiping her hair away from her face. "I can't believe A.J. did this. I never knew he would go this far."

Mamzcynski sits next to me, saying "Zach, we have a problem."

"Not now," I mutter, getting choked up.

"Zach, turn around."

Reluctantly, I do as I'm told. When I'm completely turned around, I see that the infamous Crimson Slaughter is nowhere to be found. There isn't even a blood stain on the ground.

"A.J!" I sprint down the nearest hallway, assuming he went that way. But when I'm about 100 feet away, I hear my friends call me back.

"Zach! He's still here!"

I quickly teleport back, making sure I'm not seen when I return. And, as they said, Crimson is right there, his right arm held out, gathering energy. I sit there, shocked by what I see. I make a fist with my right hand, pretending to grip something. And I get exactly what I want.

I slowly step out of the shadows, keeping my arms behind my back. A.J. is standing over Sabrina's body, laughing. I decide to speak up. "What's so funny, A.J.?"

He jumps up a bit, startled. He doesn't turn to look at me.

"It's rude not to respond." I teleport behind him. "I'll ask again. What's. So. Funny?" I say the last word in a menacing and angry tone.

"N-Nothing... Zach," he responds, seeming afraid.

"Really? Then why are you standing next to my girlfriend's dead body, with a metal, laser-shooting arm pointed at my friends?!" I gather as much power as I can into my right hand and punch him across the room. Literally.

He crashes into the wall across from me and slides to the ground. He tries to stand up, but I have Dylan's swords in my hand faster than he can push himself off the ground. He slides back down.

"The infamous Crimson Slaughter. Defeated by someone no one has even heard of before. How pathetic is that?!" I throw the sword, purposely missing. His hood falls to his shoulders, and I think I can see a couple hairs float to the ground. I spin the other one above my head, allowing it to hover. "How pathetic. You can't even stop me. The scrawniest kid in the class. The one who never fought with anyone. And he just beat you up."

"Zach..." Revelin steps forward. "Didn't you send, like, a million arrows through his chest?"

"This jerk was never easy to kill," I respond. I turn back, and as I expected, he was gone.

"I never will be, Zach." I hear his voice reverberate through the room. But I've known him long enough to know exactly where he is. I send a burst of lightning at the ceiling, and he falls right next to me.

"You really shouldn't kill innocent people, A.J. It's really bad." I put on the creepiest smile I can and thrust my sword at the ground, but he rolls away just in time.

"That's the A.J. I remember. Now," I summon two swords made of black fire, courtesy of Sabrina Jenny. "Let's have a real fight."

Before I'm done talking, the fire and energy beam collide.    

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