The End of Shadows

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As Elizabeth steps out form the darkness, her shape starts to change. Her appearance ripples for a few seconds before it finally settles... as Dylan. She takes out a bow staff that is identical to his and sprints at me. I take out my swords, but I can't seem to give it my all. I just can't fight my best friend. In no time, she sweeps my legs out from under me, and I lay on the ground hopeless. As she approaches me, she speaks.

"Not as tough as you look, eh?" she says cynically, as her form starts rippling again. In no time, as I predicted, she had become Evan. She held up her hand to launch a fireball at me, but she stops suddenly and starts backing up. All of a sudden, she starts just hitting herself repeatedly, not even reacting to it. When she stops, my bow staff disappears, and a figure comes over and helps me up onto my feet. As I get up, my vision starts to clear, and I see Dylan standing there. So I punch him in the face to make sure it isn't Nathan.

"Dude! What the heck?!" he says, obviously being the real Dylan.

"What do you mean, 'What the heck'?! YOU DIED!"

"Oh. Yeah. Forgot about that."

"Good lord Dylan. Never mind. Let's just take her on."

We sprint at her at full speed, and Dylan gives me his swords while he stays a little farther back. It takes me a second to realize why, but then I see three sharp icicles fly past me at Elizabeth.

"New power?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Get out of her head, Nathan! This will only end badly!" I say to Elizabeth.

I reach Nathan and throw the swords back to Dylan, summoning my own swords made out of black fire. He gives me a startled look.

"You aren't the only one who uses the powers of dead people, Nathan."

I swing the swords at her and she dodges, only to find that I shot a bolt of black flame out of the blade. It hits her directly in the chest, and she changes back to her original form. She starts to get up, but I run over to push her back to the ground. I look back at Dylan, who has icicles circling his raised hand, ready to strike.

"Not as tough as you look, eh?" I repeat back to him. "Just because you can possess people and take their powers, doesn't mean that you know how to use it." His shape changes quickly to Crimson Slaughter, and she pushes me off her with extreme force. When I'm standing up, she starts firing lasers at me willy nilly, like she doesn't know what she's doing. None of them hit anywhere near me. They actually mostly hit her own soldiers, who are rapidly dissipating due to the sheer strength of my own. I fire an arrow at her, and it hits her directly in the chest, changing her back to her normal form.

"Stop trying, Nathan. It won't get you anywhere."

He changes form again, and I'm convinced that I'll be able to defeat him again. But then I see the face of a beautiful girl who was killed by Crimson.

"No..." I whisper, knowing I wouldn't be able to fight back. "You can't do this!" I try to summon my sword, but I don't have enough strength left.

"What? You don't want to fight your girlfriend?" He shoots a fire bolt at me, hitting me square in the chest. A second later, Elizabeth is back to her normal self.

"Zach! No!"

Before she can run over to me, Nathan approaches, kneeling down beside me. After waiting there a second, he stands up.

"Finally..." he begins. "The powers of the demon. They're mine."

Dylan tries to run up and stop him, but there's an arrow is his forehead before he takes one step.

"You really think you can kill me now?" he screams manically. He extends his jet black wings and rises into the air. "Now that your leader is dead?!"

He fires an arrow at me, hitting me in the chest. My eyes slowly start to close, and I can swear I see 3 daggers hit him. As he falls to the ground, a fireball hits his body, and he incinerates.

"Sabrina..." The last thing I see is that beautiful blue hair, and my eyes close for the last time. With my death, my team is abandoned.

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