The Real Crimson

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Time seems to slow down as I side step out of the way of a laser beam from Crimson's arm. I start to spin slowly, then whip around, unleashing a wave of fire from the blade of my sword. It darkens the room, but I can see A.J. just barely dodge it. He sprints at me at 7 times the speed of sound, and hits me with a force of a rocket. I get slammed up against the wall, and he starts charging another laser. Just before it hits me, I darken the wall enough to camouflage into it and teleport somewhere else.

"What? Did you forget I could do that or something?" I question sarcastically.

Without warning, he jumped up in the air, and all of a sudden he was right next to me with his fist in the floor. I jump back and fire an arrow at him, but he shoots it out of the air. I grunt softly.

"What? Did you forget I could do that or something?" he replies cynically. "Idi-ow!"

I interrupt him by firing a lightning bolt at him. "Just shut up!" I fire another one at his head, but he puts up his arm to deflect it, rendering it useless for a while. "Finally." I jump up and spin, releasing another bolt of fire. When he dodges it, I rush him, doing as much damage as I can before his arm turns back on. And when it does, I stab a dagger made of lightning through it. "Can you stop trying to use your arm? It just makes things difficult on me." Just for fun, I put a dagger made of black fire into his other arm.

"Hey! What was that for?!" he replies, reeling.

"Just for lols. And to cause you as much pain as you caused me. But that can only be achieved once you're dead!" I emphasize the last word, firing a fire bolt at his chest, launching him back. Before he can move, I put a flaming barrier around him. When he tries to stand up he gets burned and coils up in pain. I stick my hand out, and the barrier starts to shrink.

"What's wrong, A.J.? Getting a little hot?" I start to close the barrier faster, but he starts making the flames spread out. Just enough for him to escape. He starts running at me again, but my fist briefly connects with his face, sending him sprawling backwards. I bring up my sword, strengthening the flames on the blade, making the death as painful as possible. As I bring the sword down to strike him, it flies out of my hand, disintegrating as it hits the wall. I turn around, just in time to see Dylan's swords start floating in the air, poised on Crimson's skull. Before they are able to launch, however, I grab them out of the air.

"Elizabeth, we had a deal!" I shout into the darkness.

"Yeah," she replies. "And I'm honoring it."

"The deal was that A.J. was mine! Nathan was yours!"

"I distinctly remember you saying 'You may kill Crimson Slaughter. I will kill the other.'"

"Elizabeth, this isn't your fight."

"I beg to differ." She walks out of the shadows, firing a concussion of air out of her onyx scepter. I catch it with a shield of dark fire and lightning.

"This is my kill!" I fire the air back at her, and she falls backwards. "Now, where was I?" I light up my sword again, surrounding it in lightning and fire, and plunge it into A.J.'s forehead, killing him for real.

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