Another Friend, Another Casualty

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As we approach the ship, I surround us in a dark mist, concealing us in the vacuum of space. When we get close enough to the ship, Shadow Striker goes farther than us. He puts two fingers on his right hand over his left shoulder, and swipes down. The door breaks apart, allowing us to get inside. As we land, the emergency door starts to close, sealing us in. When it closes, and the air lock is pressurized, we take of our suits.

"Get ready, everyone," I say quietly. "They might be sending people to check out damage. Bullseye, take them out."

She nods in approval, and seconds later they walk in, greeted by daggers to their throats. As promised, the soldiers disintegrate on contact with the daggers.

"Well done, Bullseye!" I mutter, genuinely impressed. "Maybe you should be the leader instead!"

"Really?!" she replies excitedly.

"No," I finish, my eyes turning slightly red.

We run down the corridor quietly, killing everyone who gets in our way. When another group shows up, Elizabeth throws daggers at all of them, and they all land... except one. The person alive dodged the dagger, and continued to every time one was thrown at him. After a couple moments, the man spoke.

"So you must be the ones that broke into the ship," he said. "I'm impressed."

I know I've heard that voice before, I thought. Could it be... no. It can't be. I looked at Dylan, and he looked like he was having the same thought.

"...Sebby?" I finally said, hoping I was wrong.

"No, you idiot! But he is on this ship."

"Enough with the talk!" added Elizabeth, throwing a dagger. I promptly shot it out of the air.

Dylan finally spoke. "By your look, I thought you knew who it was already, but I guess not. Evan, why did you turn on us?"

"Well," Evan spoke, "I got bored of being a lame kid who's good at math, so, after hearing that story you wrote in class three years ago, I decided to search for the light to find safety. Little did I know that a couple of our fellow classmates have already joined the light. For example: Sebby, as you mentioned, Colin, Nathan, and one more that I'll let you figure out on your own. But for now, I think I'll just kill you." He took out a long, bladed bow staff, similar to Dylan's. After a second, the blade burst into flames. "So, who wants to go first?"

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