The Spider

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A person descends from the ceiling. It looks as if they are hanging by a strand of silk... oh yeah. Moira's a spider.

"Moira, you can't kill us!" I shout, extremely confident.

"Are you sure about that, Zach? I mean, I've beaten you before haven't I?"

"No, you haven't. I killed you, remember?"

"Oh yeah," says Moira, slightly confused. "How am I alive? I should be dead."

"Yeah, I know! I'm gonna correct that right now!" I take out my bow and aim for her heart, but she just slaps it away like it's nothing. She brings up her hand and fires a web at us, enclosing us all in a small box of silk. Morrow tries to cut through it, but it reforms.

"Are you guys safe in there?" asks the confused Moira outside. "I wouldn't want my spiders to get to you before me."

"Of course not!" mumbles Sabrina. I sit down with her.

"You ok?" I ask, knowing what comes next. But I'm surprised by what I hear.

"Not really. I've been her prisoner for two years. I've gotten used to this. I can't believe I dragged you into this."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I've got an idea."

I walk up to the wall of the box and find a small opening. I manage to teleport out, just in time to see Moira get impaled by a very interesting projectile and fall to the ground. A whittled down bone.

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